His Forever Changed Future

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Slowly, Tommy pushed his blanket without the blanket recoiling back. This time, Tommy slowly lifted the blanket. To his surprise and surmise, the blanket stayed in place, now floating in the air, draping down.
Tommy's eyes finally lifted back to Dream.
"Prince Dream...what is this?" Tommy asked seriously, his gaze flickering from Dream to the blanket.
"Well. I stopped the time," Dream tried again, this time slower.
"H-how.." Tommy muttered, his mouth slightly gaping.
So many things were pouring at him in such a crazy manner, leaving him utterly confused and unsettled.
"Um..I just was born with the power to stop and fast forward time. It's just that...I know it's confusing and maybe even scary..but please. Trust me," Dream said, clenching his fists and glancing to the ground, knowing he twisted the truth in a way.
"I-it's not that I don't trust you. I just...it's just...too much," Tommy whispered.
Dream nodded. He did a small chuckled as he joked, "The time's stopped for you to think as long as you want."
Tommy held onto his bedsheets as he thought and closed his eyes.
"But..why me. Why did you tell me this? And why am I not stopped in time?" Tommy's questions tumbled out his mouth.
"Theseus..it's because I trust you. And I feel like I haven't told you much about myself, to be really honest.." Dream softly said. "Moreover, I held onto you, so it's just you and me in this empty time stamp. I can bring up to three people,"

After a long silence, the longest silence ever with all possible noise silenced, Tommy reopened his eyes.
"Thank you for trusting me Dream," is all Tommy managed to say out.
Dream smiled, and the world flashed again.

Everything came back to life, the blanket pummelling back down, and colours sprouted back to life as the birds continued its cheerful songs. Dream finally spoke up, interrupting Tommy's train of thoughts.
"Do you really trust me? Enough to be taken away from here?" Dream softly said, glancing out the window, staring far away into the horizon.
Without much hesitance, Tommy just nodded his head, responding with a simple, "Yes".
That was the best decision he had ever made. Dream smiled and then...Tommy was in a pile of flowers, the grassy hills with colourful plants surrounded him, replacing the full bedroom he was once in.
Tommy gasped, looking around his surroundings to see Dream sitting not so far beside him, smiling at the view too.
"W-wait..what did you do?" Tommy gasped out, more confusion rising into his chest.
Dream replied back, "It took me about three hours and a half to carry you all the way here. I stopped the time, so that it was a sudden blur here, but the time remains the same..meaning you basically teleported here, but was actually carried by me."
Tommy took some time to digest that long explanation, but slowly nodded once again. He was too busy admiring the beautiful landscape. His eyes sparkled with joy as he quickly got onto his feet, twirling around to inspect this place even more.
"But..where are we?" Tommy asked again, wanting to come back here for more.
Dream chuckled and replied back in a calm yet saddened tone, "It..it's a secret. I can't tell you, but this is my favourite place to go, whenever I want to reflect and be alone"
"Oh..okay!" Tommy just whispered out, fascinated, taking several steps as the leaves brushed his ankles.
His small cold felt nothing but a distant memory now. Tommy closed his eyes and tilted his head into the blue unfathomable skies. And at that moment, something inside him healed.

It had been almost half an hour before Tommy said, "Oh my..I have to get back. I need to meet up with Ranboo. I was sick yesterday, so I didn't get the time. But, thank you dearly so much for this time we spent together. I will genuinely never forget this memory," Tommy full heartedly thanked Dream, his eyes glistening in the sunlight.
Dream looked at Tommy with a confused and focused look.
"Wait...Ranboo?" Dream repeated. "Why did he want to meet with you?"

Tommy watched as Dream's calm gaze turned to concern as he silently stared at Tommy. Tommy watched back in confusion before replying back with his most honest answer.
"I'm not too sure actually. He just wanted to meet up with me. Why?" Tommy slowly said.
Dream continue to be in deep thought before quickly returning back to the happy mood as if that whole conversation didn't happen.
"Nothing! Don't worry about it. I know Ranboo, that's all. I was just surprised you know him!" Dream quickly replied back, hoping this would have to just be the last time he had to lie to Tommy.
"Oh.." Tommy just managed to whisper out. "Is Ranboo nice?" Tommy asked, not wanting to drop the topic just yet.
Dream seemed to be taken aback, but remained calm about the situation. He slowly took off his mask and set it onto the fresh grass before his green eyes glimmered into the sunlight. Tommy clenched his fingers as he looked at Dream's mask fall off his face to reveal a well looked man. Tommy's mouth slowly started to gape open before quickly saying, "O-oh. You took off your mask."
"Yup..I feel comfortable taking it off with you," Dream beamed. "And Ranboo...he's super nice actually. He's actually quite a good friend when you get to know him more. But..I'll tell you the story of when I met him another day! It's getting quite late. You definitely should return back before someone finds out you're missing."
Tommy nodded and said, "Oh yes. Of course. I'll be waiting then!"

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