Deck creation, new looks and background

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Is it weird how calm one can become in stressful situations? Well the question doesn't have to be answered but for this I still need an answer this: what do I do now?

First fings first: what do I need for my new job? Knowledge, a deck and a vehicle are the things that need my immediate attention.

It has been some time since I saw the show so that will be a problem for me. After all how can I protect all of the signer's if I don't when and were they get attacked.

As for the deck I also need some more knowledge of all the different cards that are out. After all some of the ones that I know of don't exist by the time 5D came out on TV.

As for my D-bike I guess I have to ask the Dragon the same with my other problems.

Y/n:" Crimson Dragon. I accept your request but there are some things that I have to ask first before you reincarnate or transfer me."

Hearing nothing from it I proced to ask my questions.

Y/n:" I have said earlier that I almost know nothing about the place you will send me because it has been a long time since I saw the TV show. Not only that I need to have knowledge about the Duel monster game. Besides that I need a deck. A deck that can help me defend the signer's and beat up my enemies. As well a vehicle.
Are you going to give me the knowledge and things that I need?"

A few seconds of silence and a roar was heard that lasted a few seconds.

'Knowledge... time... Problems...rules... game... granted... deck... vehicle... more...'

... OK now again for Humans. What it means is that I will be granted some knowledge about the approximate time when the dark signer will come out, we'll more like wenn any kinds of problems will happen, and it seems I will also get the rule book for the game. Now for the last part...

Y/n:" Do you need more knowledge of what kind of deck I want as well what D-bike I want?"

Few seconds of silence

Y/n:" Well the thing is, based on what I currently can remember of the 5D timeline, Yusei was the one who opened up the gateway to the energy that would become critical for the Xyz summoning method. So I can only play with an synchro or fusion deck.

I hope it wouldn't cause any problems with you if I could have two decks."

A single roar that practically screamed that I shouldn't become to greedy.

Y/n:" OK OK I get it. Then just a synchro deck. If it just one deck than I hope you could get me all of the Superheavy Samurai card's. It is the only synchro deck that I know somewhat. I hope you could give me three copies of every card from that arctype so that I can personalise it, that way i can do my job better. The only other thing that I may need would be some handtraps and some other monster that I think will go well with that deck."

After seeing a small nod from the being I continue.

Y/n:" OK now that my deck is sorted out I need a D-bike... Well I would love to drive on a motorcycle and Duel at the same time but I know that would only in a disaster waiting to happen so I need something else to play turbo duels. Well no point thinking about it now it would be better if I can do something about my background to make my job easier."

While I was thinking what I should do till a roar pushed me out my thoughts explaining me about my background will help me in some ways. While not everything was like I wanted them to be, at least the Dragon explained to me that I will be 20 years old by the start of the show making me 2 years older than Yusei Fudo. Meaning more time to train myself and prepare for the future.

As for my background my new family can be considered a blessing for me. Reason to why is simple. My soon to be Father is a engineer who specialises in Duel-runners witch makes it easy to build my own one on the future. As for my Mother she works as a Artist for Kiba Corp.

Reason why I was happy with the job of my mother is simple: she is one of the few people who created the artwork for new Duel monster cards. Meaning I have a chance to create new cards or even change effects of some of my monsters so that they can help me better.

So yeah I have quite an advantage but that doesn't mean I have a chance to relax with all of that. After all the zero day will happen in witch the giant reactor that Seto kiba build exploded. My family will be save from that but it is still the start of everything that will happen so being prepared is a requirement.

I do not think I will be able to prevent everything that will happen but I can at least prevent some destruction that will happen and lower the body count. I am not a hero and I don't even want to be called that in the first place but that doesn't mean that I won't try to save at least some people.

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