The Aftermatch

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As I was talking and thinking about the different theories from that person with my duel spirit's, that I overlooked the fact that all of my classmates and teacher were looking at me in shock.

"He... he did a OTK against Tanaka."

"H-how? Tanaka is... was one of the top 5 of our class. How did he lose that easily?"

"You are wrong about Tanaka. The only reason on why he has such a high win to loss ratio was because he forced most of his opponent to surrender by using underhanded means to force people into duels with him. Then before said duel threatens them to lose against him or his father will make there family's live miserable."

The moment a classmate said something about how Tanaka got his position in the top 5 of our class thanks to blackmailing I forced myself back to reality to find out more.

Well this is interesting. That means Tanaka blackmailed himself into the rank that he has. And then I destroyed him in a Duel with a OTK. This will make my plan on making him move against me easier. After all being beaten by by someone who is at the 17 place among the entire class is quite a hard blow to take against someone's ego.

Either way it is good for me that I won. My own personal ranking will definitely go up because of the win and I get the chance to expose Tanaka as a buly.

Out of 25 people I was at place 17. Quite low but still in the middle and my average win/los ratio would either a 7 to 3 or a 6 to 4.

Tanaka was in place 5, but only because he blackmailed himself into that place. His win/los ratio is 7 to 3.

Now however that changes for both of us. Tanaka was quickly demoted to place 10 while I got place 14. Jumping 3 places normally wouldn't work but as far as our teacher knows Tanaka was a "Victim of bullying who is good at duels". Either way I won and got a potential target on my back.

Not that I care. Tanaka has nothing over me to use against for his bullying. Even his father can't do anything against my family. I mean... comon who would be so dumb and try to "Attack" the D-weehle shop that makes personalised bikes for more than 1/3 of the current top duelist and one of the best card designers that currently exist. Pure idioticity would it be for someone to "attack" my family.

"Excuse me."

A voice broke me out off my thoughts.

"Yes?" I answer and turned to my left to see one of my classmates standing less then a meter from me witch made me jump a little on how close someone got without me noticing.

"Ah. Sorry that. I wanted to ask you some questions but you looked deep in thought, but I have a question that I hope you could give me a answer to."

A girl with black, shoulder long, hair stood beside me. She was about the same high as me at 145 cm. Normal looking without any noticeable features.

"Ah. You don't need to apologise for that. Just, maybe next time don't get to close to another person when you want to ask something or else you spook them." I say while having a small smile on my face and taking a small step back. "So how can I help you?"

She looked at me with some confusion at first because of what I said but quickly forgot about it and asking her question: "How did you get that good all of a sudden?"

Well that escalated quite quickly. Not that I blame her or anyone else, it is quite obvious that something had changed with me.

I looked at her for a second. "I was always good at it." Then sifted my head to look at the duel fields and explained why I did what I did. "You see I realy never had any interest to duel someone. I like playing 'Duel monsters' but I never saw any need to play in big tournaments. I know that I am good at it and that was enough and I like to sometimes surprise and scare people that a no-one can beat so caled pro's with ease."

My answers must have confused her because she looked at me like I was some kind of weirdo. "You are a weirdo."

Well there goes my self-esteem.

"You didn't have to say that."

"Well I just did."

"I hope that was everything that you wanted to ask." I turned around to get away from this awkward conversation

Authors note:

Short chapter I know. Had to deal with some stuff that kept me occupied. That and my imagination was running dry.

I try to make my chapters longer, around 1500 to 2000 words but it hard for me.

The next chapters will be more about the years between now and the start of the Yu-Gi-Oh 5D show. Then volume 1 will be finished and volume 2 starts.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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