Not the Answers i was looking for

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As I was sitting on the roof of the duel Academy and questioning the spirits that are before me, I fail to notice that it got extremely quiet around me. No wind was blowing. The birds that flew in the sky were also gone. It seems the entire world had gone silent.

'Are you sure you want to talk about such a topic at your school, young master?' Big benkei was the first to come out to speak.

'You don't need to worry about that. Out of safety I sent trumpeter down the staircase. He will warn us if someone comes. So please stop delaying the intervertebral and tell me what is going on.'

I did have the right to knowon what is going on especially if I got something from the dragon that I did not ask for. I didn't need to have the ability to talk with duel spirit's nor did I think I needed savage dragon.

'You just thought something rude about me, did you not?' As if he could read my mind savage looked at me with condemnation.

'I didn't insult you. I was question myself why do I have you. I did not ask to have this ability to talk with you nor did I ask for you specifically. So why do I still have both of those things.' Was my immediate response while having the 'no nonsense ' type voice.

'Young master please calm yourself. Your displeasure is understandable but it won't help us in our current situation. And to answer your questions I have to explain more about spirit's in general.' And so the very long explanation started.

To summarise it, the spirit's exist all around us. Some people can see them and some can't. The form a spirit takes is determined by the first humans imagination hence there exists so many different types of yokai in Japanese folklore.

Duel spirit's are the same there exists just a small difference. Instead of taking a form directly whenever a human sees a spirit they can choose how they look by taking on the form of a Duel monster card. Plus if a card already exists in another universe they can also take that same form in this one.

'Wait a moment doesn't this mean the spirit world is basically connected with with every universe that exists? As in it is multidimensional?'

'Yes young master that is correct. The spirit world only exists once but is connected with the multiverse. Thanks to it we are currently here with you in this universe. If this wasn't the case the great crimson Dragon wouldn't alow you to take us in this universe.' Was the explanation that big benkei gave to me. At least this explains how I was allowed to have the Superheavy Samurai ark-type in 5D.

'Ok I get that but I still want to know how it is possible for me to see and speak with you.' Another question that I immediately ask while looking at benkei.

'That has to do with your reincarnation. After your death you were taken through the spirit world to your new body. Because of that you formed a connection to it.' A solid explanation that leaves no loopholes for me to dig into because I don't know more about it.

'Oi. Enough about all this crap. You don't have any time for more questions because your last class of the day is starting and I hope you will not embarrass yourself.' Savage spoke before I could question Benkei anything anymore.

As the bell rang I immediately got up from my position and began speed walking to my classroom to be hopefully not late.

As I reached the class I just saw how the teacher was coming from the other side of the hallway towards the classroom. I was as fast as I could and at the same time I wasn't running, luckily I arrived first before my teacher.

Quickly I sat down and pretended that nothing was wrong to hopefully not get the attention of my duel teacher. Said person was about 180 cm tall had light brown hair and eyes is about 27 years old and almost dressed in a white shirt and blue jeans. He is a awesome teacher who helps you when asked but at the same time he will be very strict with you if you make trouble.

"Good afternoon class. I hope you had a great break. I see all of you are here so let us begin with the lessons. Even though some of were almost late." My classmates laught a bit. "As you all hopefully remember, last week I told all of you to bring your decks with you so we can make a small tournament. This tournament exists to see witch one of you needs to change the class. After all some of you may not want to be professionally duelist. You do not need to worry even though I said we will make a tournament it is nothing more than some training for said one."

And so we make our way towards the school duel field.

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