My deck and something strange

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As I was thinking about my current live I finished my main deck with all of the monsters that I think will work with them and I have to say I have a good feeling about it.

( I will shorten the words "Superheavy Samurai" to s.s.)

My deck list is:
2 PSY- Feame Driver
1 golden ladybug
1 Unknown synchon
2 s.s. soulbuster gauntlet
2 s.s. soulhorns
3 s.s. soulpeacemaker
2 Maxx "C"
3 s.s. soulfire suit
3 s.s. trumpeter
3 s.s. battleball
3 s.s. soulclaw
2 PSY-Framegear gamma
1 s.s. fist
3 s.s. Flutist
2 ghost ogre & snow rabbit
2 s.s. prepped defense
2 Ash blossom
2 Juragedo
3 s.s. Scales
3 s.s. soulpiercer
3 s.s. wagon
2 s.s. Big waraij
2 checksum dragon
1 lava golem
1 s.s. Big benkei
2 s.s. thief
2 Jizukiru Kaiju
2 sekka's light

Exept for the last two cards, who are spells, all of the other cards are monsters. As for my extra deck I wasn't sure wich one I should pick besides the Superheavy Samurai synchro monster so I Decided on this:

Extra deck:
1 s.s. swordmaster musashi
2 s.s. ogre shutendoji
2 s.s. stealth Ninja
1 Samurai destroyer
1 thought ruler archfiend
1 blood mefist
2 s.s. Samurai Ninja sartobi
1 s.s. beast kyubi
2 s.s. warlord sunanowo
1 s.s. steam king train

14 monster as for the last one I was surprised by what I found.

"HOW?" Was the question that immediately came to my head. "Just how is this possible. This card came out when VRAINS was airing on TV so how is it here?" As I was asking myself that question I overlooked the fact that that card came to live.

 This card came out when VRAINS was airing on TV so how is it here?" As I was asking myself that question I overlooked the fact that that card came to live

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'So this is my new Master? He kinda looks pathetic.' The moment I heard the voice my head snapped tho the card and saw a miniature version of savage dragon floating above the card.

"Savage dragon. How ist it possible for me to see you. I did not ask for this ability and neither I wanted it... Well it doesn't matter i have it now, the bigger question is how are you here?" In my confusion I completely forgot the main issue.

'Calm yourself. It doesn't change a thing if you think to much of the issues that are currently in front of us. Please do not forget your mission.' As Savage dragon said this he crossed his arms and gave me a look that displayed his annoyed feelings for me.

The look that Savage gave me was somewhat understandable because I was overreacting. "Hey stop giving me that look. I think everyone who would be put into my position would react like this after they saw a Duel spirit. But still you need to give me some answers on how you are here. Not to mention your different card effect."

'First of you are overreacting. Second: you do not need your mouth if you want to speak with spirit's. You can speak with your thoughts to us. Third: if I were you I would rather get ready for school.' I, at first, didn't understood what Savage dragon meant till my mother called me.

"Y/n. If you don't want to be late for school you better get ready"

"Oh fuck." I immediately stod up from my table, put my deck in my deck box, changed clothes and was running out of my room to the front door to get to school on time. "Hold it mister. What were you doing in your room that makes you forget that you are having school today?" My mother asked my while giving me a look of displeasure.

"I was re-working my deck?" I said the truth but I weren't sure if this what my mother wanted to hear.

"Your deck huh. You didn't do that since you began the Academy. What changed." It was a simple question but one who had many different outcomes based on my answers.

"I just didn't like the feel of my deck and wanted to change it a bit more. Besides i did not do so well in the duel course and wanted to change that a little bit." It was a fitting answers. In this live there exists a course that all students have to do but isn't everything that is teached in the academy. Everything that you may need is being taught besides Duel skills because the world still needs such personnel.

"You are right your grade wasn't that great. OK but if I were you I would hurry up for school."

"MOM you were the one who hold me up."

As I was running towards the school I still thinking about what exactly had happened in my rebirth that got me savage dragon. Not to mention the change of some effects that some monster cards have.

Bevor I could think more about my situation I arrived at the new Domino Academy and had to go to class, to go through the normal day of a 11 year old in school.

I did not have time to think more about the lunch break. Because I wanted some quiet time to think, the only place were I had the opportunity for no people to be was the school roof. I took my lunch and headed straight to it.

After I sat down and ate my lunch, took out my deck box, drew savage dragon and big benkei out to get some answers. "So I think it is time for you guys to start speaking."

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