The first few years

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So here I was again in darkness and waiting for something to happen.

After meeting the crimson Dragon and getting mostly all of the relevant information that I may need for the future that dammed lizard Roared once more and I find myself here. In the middle of nowhere.

I did not know how long it stayed that way till some kind of screen appeared.

What I saw was hard to describe. I was in a hospital room and was looking at some kind of masked face. Maybe some kind of Doctor and some nurses. With that I can say that I was watching my birth.

I couldn't understand any word they said but it sounds like the japanische language. Yeah new language to learn. Fuck me a new language to learn.

Those were my thoughts until I slowly but surely understood what the doctors, nurses and my new family were talking about.

" DOCTOR HOW IS MY FAMILY???" Shouted a man as he bursted through the door. He looked in his mid 20 and had brown hair and striking red eyes. Was about 180 till 190 cm tall.

" Please calm yourself Mr. L/n. Your wife is alright but she needs rest after childbirth as for your baby, congratulations for having a healthy baby boy." Said the doctor while he was making sure that my mother and me were alright.

" Realy??? Thank god both of them are alright." That was my father speaking while has a hand about his heart.

" Dear please shut up. Do you have any fucking idea what it is like giving birth?" Was now my mother sternly asking my father and with a glare that will kill you twice over. While at the same time one of the nurses gave me to her.

My mother was a beautiful. She had long blond hair that looked like it gold and had some silver running though it while having blue eyes.

" Yes... but I think we should decide what name we give our son. Oh i know a name that would fit him how about Paul?" As he said this he put his right fist in his left open hand and one could practically hear the "pon" sound.

" You are right. How about something... wait what name did you want to give my son? Paul?" My mother forgot for a short moment her anger and became happier of the thoughts of my future name... till she heard the horror of a name that is Paul.

(For any people who have the male name Paul I apologise. I personally find that name extremely disturbing and disgusting. I can't explain it really because it is a gut feeling.)

And so they began bickering with each other for around about 5 minutes. In that time the nurses tried to take me out of my mother's arms, each time they revived a death glare.

While all of that was happening I, or at least my adult me inside of myself who is watching all of this happening, decided enough is enough and wanted it to stop and so I began to cry. Besides being a annoying there was a bigger problem that I was facing.

In the time of my birth I received some more knowledge about my current situation. My soul is currently shattered and it needs time to naturally heal. The pieces that make up the parts of my old soul are overwhelming the new soul. So like I said: time to heal. The most easy way to do that is having the new soul live for a few years and for the old one to sleep. So that after some time both ones have fussed together and balanced each other out.

But I still need to know my new name or else we, the old and new soul, can't finde a common ground that helps us fuse together. The worst part is if we don't have that our souls could brake apart.

Not a good ending for anyone.

So here I was crying to my parents to stop arguing.

"Oh no no no. Shhh. Everything is alright. No need to cry. My dear Y/n." My Mother spoke softly to me with so much conviction that I believed her immediately and knew that I was in good hands. And that was my birth.

The next thing that I notice is that I woke up in a warm bed and could feel my body. I laid there and was going through all of the memories.

"Damm, 11 and a half years of life that I couldn't influence with my knowledge." Yes you heard correctly. 11.5 years of my new life that was wasted doing almost nothing.

After getting up from my bed, then walking to my desk and loking over my deck was surprised to see that the deck I was playing wasn't the Superheavy deck but some other deck witch had big benkei as its ace monster.

"At least I have all of the cards that I requested from the dragon. That was one of my biggest worries of not having the cards that I need to create my deck." I was quietly saying that wihle rebuilding the deck to fit my needs and wants. As I was doing that I remembered the last 11 years.

Well more like the last 9 years. The first 2 years were me being just a normal baby and learning how to walk again.

After I turned 3 my new live begins and some of my old lives memories began to influence my new one. In between my 3 birthday and my 5 one I was influencing my parents to help me.

What I did was quite easy. I just showed some curiosity towards they're respective jobs and as soon as I did that they involved me. At first Mom and Dad were arguing about who I should be with.

"Heh." I laugh a bit after remembering that conversation between my parents.
My mother wanted me to be with her in the gallery were she draws the different card desings and, according to her, it is save.

My dad however wanted me with him in his garage were he was working with different D-bikes. He wanted to give me some hands on knowledge about them. His argument was that I would bore myself to death if I would be constantly drawing. As for his counter argument that the garage was unsave he simply said that I would never be more than a meter away from him.

That argument almost escalated after 15 minutes until I spoke up:" Mom. Dad. Why can't I do both?" As I was asking that question I tilted my head to the left a bit and put a face of confusion on.

Needles to say my parents were struggling to keep a straight face because how cute I looked to them and simply gave in to my question and let me. After all having characteristics from both of my parents I resemble them with my blond hair that I got from my mother and the red eyes from my father. I looked like the child Gillgamesh from fate.

Thanks to that I gave the idea of the Superheavy Samurai ark-type to my mother and even helped her to desinge them. As for my father he taught me in slow and steady steps what each part of a D-Bike does and how to repair them. I also gave him the idea to rebuild a car into the first D-Car in existence.

Say hello to my future car

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Say hello to my future car. As of now it isn't finished yet because it is more like a hobby project between my father and me and will most certainly change other the years.

Well something happened when I was 2 years old. Zero-Reverse. That day was a catastrophe for my family. The pure shock and fear of that explosions scared me even to this day and I even have sometimes nightmares of that day.

Me and my family were safe because we lived far away from the reactor.

I don't want to think too much of that day but each time I do I see it as encouragement to stop the dark signer and Rex Goodwin.

The years after that can be considered boring. In school I was a so called nerd because I was smarter than the other kids because some more knowledge from my old live came that was far more harder then what was being teached to me in first grade.

Because I was a so called nerd most people left me alone. I did not mind because I felt that every one was below me, well more like that every one else was so childish.

That doesn't mean that I was antisocial or something I do have some people who I could talk to.

But that was my live until now.

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