First duel

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Here I stand on the field. The first duel in this world after my soul finally healed up.

Words couldn't describe what I was feeling at the moment. But I did not have time for this.

"Are you all ready? Then let us begin with the first match of our tournament." The moment my teacher spoke I forced myself to get serious. After all not paying attention is critical.

"Well then let's..." Tanaka started.


[4000] [4000]

"I take the first turn. Draw. Oh I will enjoy beating you. I summon chainsaw insect in attack mode."

Yep I guesst it right it is the same crook from the beginning of 5D.

"Next I activate the spell card:' Retribution of the ant lion' and end my turn. Now let's see how I will beat you." One thing I have to give Tanaka is that he really is good at annoying and pissing off his opponent.

"My turn. I Draw." But it is my turn. In my hand are:
1 s.s. trumpeter
1 s.s. scales
1 s.s. soulhorns
Golden Ladybug
1 Sekka's light
And I drew 1 s.s. Big waraji

"First I activate the spell Sekka's Light. As long I have no spell or trap card in my GY I can draw two cards. Then I banish it from my grave to shuffle one card into my deck and draw a new one." Thanks to my spell I have everything I need.

I still have all of original cards that I drew. And I even have the ability to get Big Benkei out on the field with the help of wagon that I drew with Sekka's effect and a method of OTK Tanaka. I currently am thinking of using that method to make an example of Tanaka to discourage him to start anything against me or not to enjoy my first duel.

"Come on what are you waiting for. How about you do something and if not at least have the decently to apologise for your taunts..." Tanaka's face twisted with some sick pleasure. "By growling on the floor like the bug you are."

That's it. I am so gonna destroy him. "You know what, Tanaka? I think someone should teach you a lesson to not get overconfident. After all, pride is a mayor sin and you will be punished for it right now. From my hand I special summon S.S. Big Waraij. I can do this because I have no spell or trap cards in my GY. Next I, again, special summon the tuner monster S.S. Trumpeter."

This shocked everyone who was watching the duel. Summoning two monsters in a single turn, one even is a high level 5 monster, is hard for no cost. Yes there exists effects that allow to summon monsters by using themselves as cost but the way I did it was almost non existent.

"Next I place one card down." As I did so the back of a Duel card materialise in the spell/trap zone. "And now I tune my Trumpeter and my Waraij to synchro summon. Appear from the shadows. Level 7 Superheavy Samurai Stealth Ninja." As I chanted my make sift chant, Stealth Ninja came out of a blinding white pillar in defense. "I immediately activate Stealth Ninja's monster effect. It half his defense points but allows him to direct attack you for this turn."

Bevor I could continue Tanaka interrupted me. "Do you already forget about my spell card? Then let me remind you..." "It seems like you forgot about your own effect of your spell card. As far as I know the effect was 'destroyed' to be activated or am I wrong?"

I could see one of Tanaka's blood vessels almost exploding from anger at me.

"It doesn't matter anyway. Battle. Stealth Ninja attacks you directly. Thanks to his effect he can attack also in defense mode."


The more I talk the more my classmates and teacher are getting shocked because how this duel is progressing.

"Now I activate the quick spell card 'berserker soul'. This card is forcing me to discard my entire hand but allows me to deal 500 damage for every monster card that I draw."

The eyes of every person almost popt out of their skull while Tanaka was quivering in fear.

"No. Please."

"Sorry. Not sorry. You are going to lose."

And so I started drawing my cards. I just needed 6 cards and I got them very easily with a full monster deck.

"First draw. Monster.
Second draw. Monster.
Third draw...
Sixth draw. Monster. And that's game"


And so I won my first duel against the residential bully of my school, not to mention it was a OTK.

The duels after that were, between a ranking of 0 to 5, 3 rate at best. Most of them at a 4 and some at a 5. This is my personal ranking of almost every thing that has to do with the yu-gi-oh card game.

I personally do not have the required experience to effectively gauge a person's rating or that of a Duel but what I did understood was that people try to much to create a ark-type deck for themselves and do not think outside the box like it is back from earth. The type of meta decks that exist and will come out in the future are completely different then the meta decks  from the anime universe.

This makes it quite easy to see the difference between both and the way duels are progressing. And let's not talk about how people can create a lockdown bord inside master duel.

'Oi. How about you tell more about your effect savage dragon? After all your original effect was that you gain counters by equipping link monsters to you, gain half of the original atk and for each link marker you gain a counter. Why did this change from link monster to synchro monster? Does this have something to do with the difference between the dimensions of VRAINS and 5D?'

I remembered the strange difference between the original and the current effect of savage dragon and even if I asked several times I still got no answer to it. Well I did got a answer for it on why he was here but not the change of effects.

Like I said his original effect has to do with link monster. His effect in this dimension or timeline is as follows: If this card is special summoned, equip 1 synchro monster from your grave to it and if you do place Borel counters on this card based on the equipt monster level divided by 2 (max.6). This card gains Atk to half to the highest stats (Atk or Def). The rest stayed the same to the original card effect. This means for every 2 levels of a monster he gains a counter.

'That is a easy question. As you know this is the "anime" universe that you know of. This means that every anime you watched that has to do with the duel monster card game flows like a river in one single direction. Starting from the time Pegasus created the duel monsters, to GX, to 5D, to ZEXAL and then to Arc-V were Zarc was still a complete person. Until he has gone mad and was split up. Dividing the timeline and and summoning method into four different dimensions. Here lies the difference that instead that the dimensions that should be the normal dimension became the pendulum one and a fifth one was created in response to it. That is the timeline of the "manga" that goes into the movie 'Dark side of dimensions' wich is a sequel to the original manga of duel monsters in witch Seto Kiba wasn't there when Atem and yugi were having their final duel.'

'Wait a moment do you mean that the theory of the one YouTubeer "SpellCommander91" about VRAINS being the ritual dimension is true?' That guy has made some very good arguments on several theories that concern the Yu-Gi-Oh world and even explains them with real world science.'

'Yes you are right about that. The theories that he has made are correct. Naturally some parts of those cannot be explained by just that. After all the supernatural side of things needs a certain amount of knowledge that he is missing.'

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