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"No, I don't want to go drink Val, I'm starting work tomorrow and the last thing I need is a  hangover." I groan. 

"Seriously, you just got a job at one of Seattle's best hospitals and don't want to drink? Please don't tell me this job is going to take away your party girl spirit." Val whines.  

"If I agree will you shut up?" 


"Fine. I'll go drink with you but I'm not drinking as heavily." I give in


Val has made their way over to a guy leaving you alone at the bar. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a woman taking the seat beside me, "You drinking alone?" The woman asks 

"I wasn't, but it seems my friend is busy at the moment. I don't mind though, you're way better." I chuckle

"I'm Carina, you are?"


Carina and I talked all night, flirting, and laughing, it was the greatest I've felt in a while. One thing led to another and now I am in her hotel room, Carina is fast asleep beside me. You check the time. I've got about an hour before rounds, gathering my clothes I decided I should leave a note.


                I normally wouldn't leave without saying goodbye, but I had to leave early for work. I enjoyed last night, the best I've felt in a while. Maybe we could go on a proper date.  

                                                                                      Call Me ;) (000) 000-000, 

                                                                                                                                    Y/n xx

      I left quietly and hailed a cab. walking into my apartment I found Val asleep on the couch with some dude on the floor beside it. I ignored him and went upstairs to change. I put on light makeup and secured my hair in a low bun. I walked back downstairs to find the guy awake and standing in my kitchen. 

"Coffee is in the cabinet behind you, you slept here and that nominated you the responsibility of making it. Wake up Val before you leave, she has worked at 7." I sighed. The random dude just looked at me and nodded. I left and made my way to the hospital. I asked someone to direct me to the Attendings' lounge and walked my way there to get my scrubs and coat. I walked in and was greeted with mostly curious stares others looked at me like a piece of lunchmeat. I ignored them and changed into my scrubs. As I was putting my white coat on a man walked in and looked a bit frazzled. 

"Multiple MVC coming into the ER, all hands on deck." he sort of shout-said.  All of the attendings vacated the room and I stopped one resident and asked where the ER is. 

"Hey, where is the ER?" 

"Uh kind of hard to explain, just follow me," she said. "What's your name?" the doctor asked 

"Devyn Taylor, I used to work at Northwestern." I answered while running "What's your name?" 

"Amelia Shepard. I would shake your hand but kind of hard to do while running" she laughs. We arrived at the ER and a woman was shouting orders. 

"Who she?" I asked Amelia. 

"That's Dr. Kepner, she runs the ER. What are you specialized in any way?" Dr. Shepard asks

"Peds, I'm here to study fetal medicine though." You explain

"Wow you look young to be an attending." she laughs

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