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Mature Themes

Devyn's POV

Fuck, why does my head hurt?  I sit up, I'm in Meredith's house. I know this feeling all too well. How much did I fucking eat? I slide off the couch onto what I thought was going to be the floor, It was not the floor it was a person. Alex? What the hell?

"Ow get off of me." Alex groans. Shoving me away.

"Sorry." I see the look on his face and laugh. "You too?" 

"Like everybody." He laughs

"Shit, Carina is probably gonna kill me. Wait how did all of the attendings eat a bunch of pot willingly?" 

"They didn't know dumbass. Robin's patient brought pot cookies and gave them to her and she got the entire attending staff high." He explains

"Entire? Amelia? Shit, Fuck, Where is she?!" I jump up.

"I'm right here, and yes I'm still sober," Amelia says from behind me.

"Oh thank god. Where's my phone I need to call Carina" I ask

"Also here Bella, How are you feeling?" Carina says following Amelia.

"Like I just ate 13 edibles," I admit truthfully

"Come on, You don't have to work. They have the residents on top of everything today." Carina says gesturing to the door. I slump my head like a child who had been caught with their hand in the cookie jar and walk to the door. 

"I'll see you Friday Dev," Amelia says as I open the door. I wave without turning around. "Here are her things," Amelia laughs handing Carina my phone and bag. The car ride was comfortably quiet until Carina broke the silence.

"Want to get lunch? I saw a cute restaurant near here not long ago." She suggests

"Yes. I'm so hungry it feels like my stomach is inverting." I explain. We enter this restaurant and it looks to be alright. We seat ourselves.

"So... Would you care to tell me what happened with yesterday?" Carina giggles with that shit-eating grin on her face.

"Not really. I remember eating the cookies, then everything else consists of stupid high thoughts." I groan remembering last night. Carina and I talk about an upcoming surgery I have with Robins. Until a woman walks over.

"Hello! My name is Kate, I will be your server, Can I get you started with some drinks?" I like her top. She faces me, 

"I'll just have some water, Thank you," I say with a soft smile. She smiles back and her eyes linger in my chest area a little too long. She finally turns to Carina and her demeanor completely changes. 

"And for you?" She says with a blank face. 

"I'll have the same," Carina says giving the woman a dirty look.

"Great ill have those right out for you, In the meantime, I would suggest our soups. They are truly wonderful." Kate says touching my shoulder. As she walks away I look back to Carina who is looking at me. She looks to be a bit angry but I brush it off. I take the soup recommendation with a grain of salt I've never been the biggest fan of it. The water helped with the drain the weed put on me. By the time our food had come out the sever had come to check on us about 5 times and I was getting kind of annoyed. Carina looked pissed every time she talked to me. Now I get it. She was jealous. It's cute. For the rest of lunch, I made it look like I enjoyed the attention the waitress was giving me. God, she is hot when she is mad. The rest of lunch was filled with flirty comments by the waitress and Carina was unusually cold and quiet. I guess she finally had enough towards the end when Kate wrote her number on a napkin when she brought the check. Carina slammed the money on the table and dragged me out of there. 

"What the hell?! I wasn't done." I exclaim

"I was. You don't think I saw right through you? You wanted me angry you've got it." She said half shouting back at me. Fuck. The tension on the ride home was so thick you could cut it with a knife. I walked into her home and was immediately slammed against the door. I moan at the impact. Our lips met in a teeth-clashing kiss. Carina moved down my neck sucking on my pulse spot. I groan at the feeling. My hands roam her body snaking their way into her hair and gripping hard.

"Bed. Now." She commands. I don't dare talk back.

I strip down to only my skimpy under. Carina walks through the bedroom door completely bare. I gawk at her body before she grabs my chin harshly forcing me to look at her. She comes down to my face level and whispers into my ear.

"Since you seem to think you are available to women, It is obvious I need to show you who you belong to. You are going to make me cum, and if you are lucky I may return the favor." She husks. I look shell shocked. "Do you understand?" She asks looking for compliance. I nod. 

"Words Bella." She warns

"Yes, I understand." God, what is she doing to me? I never submit to anyone like this without a lot of work. She kisses my lips gently sitting down on the bed. She drags me on top of her without separating our lips. I slowly drag my tounge down her nude body, settling in the valley between her breast. I suck dark marks into her skin, I wrap my lips around her erect bud and run my tounge over it. She moans at the feeling. I suck my way down her abdomen purposely skipping over her core. Sucking dark marks into her thighs. 

"Don't you dare tease." Carina warns gripping onto my hair. I oblige and slam two fingers into her keeping a steady fast pace. She lets out a high pitched moan at this and throws her head back into the pillows. Knuckles turning white, gripping the sheets she matches my pace grinding into my fingers.

"Fuck yes your so good don't stop" She moans. I bring my left hand up to grope her breasts and attach my lips around her clit and suck harshly. 

"Fuck Devyn! Don't you dare stop!" She screams. I feel her tightening around my fingers, Her legs begin to shake.

"Cum for me darling." I say. She reaches her high within seconds gripping around my fingers, screaming my name. I slowly take my fingers out of her and take them into my mouth swirling my tounge around them looking her dead in the eye. She quickly flips on top of me kissing and sucking her way down my body. I was dripping at the sight from before. She makes it down to my waist line and rips my panties off of me. I gasp at the roughness. 

She slowly circles my clit with her thumb. It is almost agonizingly slow.

"More, please" I choke out.

"Who do you belong to?" Carina ask looking up at me through her eyelashes.

"You.." I say quietly.

"Who do you belong to?!" She demands

"You! God you! Please I need you!" I beg. She shoves three fingers into my core at an insanely fast pace. I practically scream at the pleasure. She circles my clit with her tounge I am searchng for anything to hold onto. I tangle my hands in her hair and pull. Hard. Carina moans into my pussy making me scream. 

"Fuckk I'm fucking yours!" I moan. I feel myself coming closer to the edge. " I'm so close, don't stop!" I tighten around her fingers.

"Beg." Carina demands

"Please let me cum I promise I'm only yours! Ill be so good!" I plead

"Cum." I do as she told and let myself feel that high. It was euphoric, my head full of stars. Once I calmed down Carina crawls up next to me and tucks me into her chest.

"You did so well baby, Get some rest." She whispered to me stroking my hair. My eyes fluttered shut.


Uh that was a lot dirtier than I expected, but I guess I owe you guys after dropping off the face of earth for months. Vote IG lol? 

(1397 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2022 ⏰

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