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Homophobia, Transphobia

"Ma'am you need to leave." A man says from behind me...

"What?! Do I need to leave? why not them they are making everybody uncomfortable!" The woman shouts. What happened next shocked me and that bitch

"Mom, just stop! The only person that is uncomfortable right now is you! Please just sit down you're embarrassing us and yourself." One of her kids says

"Maddison sit down. These people are sinners." 

"I told you it isn't Maddison. It's Dylan." The kid says. The woman turns to us. 

"See what you've done! You have filled my daughter's head with your sickness." She screams

"That's is you either leave or I make you leave." The man says

"You know what fine. I'll leave." She walks over to her booth and rips her purse away. 

"Aren't you coming?" She asks her husband.

"No? You got yourself kicked out and I agree with Dylan. I'm tired of being embarrassed by you when you have your meltdowns." The husband says. 

"Fine, you want to cater to her sins go ahead but I and Ryan are going home." She reaches for her other son's hand.

"His." Ryan corrects


"You said her. It's his." He repeats

"Not you too, fine I'll leave by myself." The woman storms off and the restaurant goes back to minding its business. The man who told her to leave come over to us.

"I am so sorry ladies. Your dinner is on the house tonight." He says with a smile

"Thank you," I smile back, I look at Carina who looks shocked.

"Are you okay?" She asks in concern

"I'm fine, definitely not the first time that has happened," I say laughing. "Are you?"

"I'm fine. Just shocked, In Italy, no one ever approached me and a woman in a public place like that." 

"Welcome to America, the place where 95% of people are assholes." I laugh again. "At least it got us free food?" 

"I guess.." She says with a smile. "Now that that is over... I want to know more about you."

"Okay. What do you wanna know?" I ask

"The basics, where did you grow up, your favorite color, music taste.." 

'Uhm well, I grew up in eastern Montana, I went to Yale. I have a sibling, Valerie, and we share an apartment, My favorite color is green, My music taste depends on the mood I am in but it usually consists of Lana Del Rey, Girl in Red, and Mitski." I breathe deeply. That was a lot in only one breath. Carina returns the favor and I learn about her. I notice the family of the woman is getting up to leave after they've eaten, I stop Dylan as he is walking by.

"Hey, Don't let what your mom says get to you. Nobody knows you as you know you, and you are absolutely valid in every way. If she can't love you for you that's not your problem. Okay?" I say. Dylan hugs me,

"Thank you for saying that." He says, his eyes tearing up a bit. "You don't know how much I needed that."

"I had a feeling," I say ruffling his hair. His dad looks at me as they are walking out and mouths a thank you. I return with a warm smile and a nod. 

Burning Desire [ c. d. ]Where stories live. Discover now