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Accidental Drug Consumption

I woke to Carina's arms around me, She looked so peaceful. I was the one supposed to be getting rest but it looked like she was the one who needed it. I checked the time and saw I had been asleep for about four-ish hours. I got up and covered Carina back up, kissing her on her lips softly before leaving. I walk over to the nurses' station and ask for a tablet to check and see how all of my patients are doing. As I was reading the charts, I was approached by Dr. Webber. 

"Hey, Dr. Webber." I greet

"Dr. Taylor! I don't believe we've had a proper introduction"

"Well, I'm Devyn, Devyn Taylor. I used to be a ped's attending at Northwestern." I Introduce. Dr. Webber laughs

"I'm Richard Webber, Residency Director." 

"Oh, I know, you're like a celebrity here apparently." I laugh


"Yeah, The residents can't shut up about the contest you are doing. Neither can Carina, She and Arizona have been working together on an entry." I explain. "Carina said something about presenting ideas today. Do I need a special invite or can I just go listen?"

"No invite needed, Everyone is welcome to listen in." Webber laughs

"Great! I'm excited to hear! Best of luck to you." I say as I am walking away.


I stroll into the room the doctors are presenting in, Arizona comes behind me and offers cookies. Uh yes, I'm starving. I take two and bite into the first one. Mmh. I spot Carina and take a seat beside her. 

"Hey, How was your nap." I grin 

"Be quiet. You were supposed to be the one resting." She scolds. All I can do is laugh. She pushes my shoulder. Arizona comes and sits next to me, I have absolutely devoured the two cookies I took. It was too hard to resist I took another.

"Hungry?" Arizona asks with a surprised smile on her face.

"Yes," I say with a mouthful of cookies. Carina seems to find this hilarious, she busts out laughing at me. "Stopp. I have not eaten since Kaminski's. I was hungry." I whine

"You are too cute," Carina says through laughing. I say nothing and grab ahold of her hand. Eventually, Carina has a patient and Richard starts his presentation. Towards the end of it, I feel a distantly familiar feeling. I ignore it figuring it was nothing. The Averys are halfway through their presentation. I hear Jackson say

"To build a better vagina. Well, vaginas are already great. I came out of one, Yours." He says gesturing towards his mother. 

"That's not in the script..." Catherine laughs. I start giggling. everyone looks at me. I don't even notice.

"He said vagina," I say while laughing hysterically, April joins me in laughing. We are laughing like hyena's when Meredith comes onto the stage and asks who had a cookie from the box.  I raise my hand still giggling. The next thing I knew I was in a room with a bunch of people. I was informed that I had eaten weed cookies. I start giggling again. 

"I knew that's what it was. I haven't felt like this since college." I giggle. Meredith looks at me,

"You did weed in college??" 

"You didn't?" I laugh. I zoned out and somehow ended up in Shepard's lab with Alex.  


I found Devyn and Alex playing with the lab equipment. I quickly realize they are high out of their minds. Giggling like idiots. Great. I decide to take them with me to help Owen. The whole car ride they wouldn't shut up. I instruct them to stay in the bedroom until the social worker is gone. That didn't last long.

"I thought I told you to stay back there." I remind.

"It smells like Owen in there," Devyn says shoving chips in her mouth. I shoo them back into the bedroom. Owen looks offended.

"This chip smells like Owen." Alex laughs. I hear a knock at the door 

"Crap. What if in not supposed to be a father Amelia." Owen panics

"Don't be silly, You have wanted this forever." I comfort. My stomach drops when I hear the door open. I see the social worker standing with the two

"Hi" Devyn greets, I run into the foyer to greet the social worker

"Hi! I'm Amelia, This is Owen." I say

Somehow I made it through Leo getting dropped off. Soon we were on our way to the Meredith's to get stuff for Leo. Devyn and Alex showed Owen no mercy. 

"I hate you already." Alex teases.

"Alex," I warn. Then Devyn starts in.

"Dad, can I have a pony? " She laughs. We survive the ride to Meredith's and Devyn and Alex are trying to figure out how to use a baby carrier thing. Owen is freaking out.

"Owen, dude chill. At least you are being there for the kid. I was tossed back and forth between foster homes until I was like 10. Some were good, Others not so good. Most of the time I was just put in a room with a couple of other kids while the dude got their paychecks until I was adopted by my mom. Just being there helps you know." Devyn says out of the blue. I never knew that about her

"Word," Alex says after. 

"Got It!" Devyn celebrates. She lets go of the teddy bear she was using as a model and it falls to the floor. 

"Don't got it." 


I walk over to observe the OR board and see that almost all surgeries have been canceled.

"What happened to the board?" I ask the interns

"Someone accidentally gave out weed cookies from a patient. Like half of the attendings are stoned." Quadri says. Devyn. I pull out my phone and call Devyn. Amelia answers.

"Heyy Carinaa." She says

"Amelia? Where's Devyn?" I hear her giggling in the background. I hear a faint

"Does Meredith have food?" 

Amelia explains what happened and that Devyn is ok for now. I sigh and laugh to myself. I am so making fun of her when I see her.


Hi! So, I have quickly learned that writing becomes less fun if you force yourself to write at least 1000 words every day, and it is almost impossible for me to do with my attention span soo. I will still be updating just not as frequently. For the sake of my sanity.

(1054 words)

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