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 Homophobia, Homophobic Slurs

I'm about ready to leave and get ready for mine and Carina's date. I have no idea where she's taking me. All I know is to dress nice. I'm grabbing my purse when I run into Chief Bailey. 

"Where's Dr. DeLuca?" She says in a joking matter.

"Getting ready for our date." I joke back.

"Oh, so you two are a thing? Not trying to be nosy, I am." She asks. I laugh at her straightforwardness

"Uh, I don't exactly know." I say truthfully, "I really like her though. Wait why am I telling you  this?" She laughs

"I don't mind. You'd be surprised how boring being the Chief can be." She says. "Where are you two going?" 

"I have no clue. I was told to dress 'fancy'." I laugh. "My definition of fancy is not what her definition is though. I have no idea how she manages to look so good."

"I have faith," She says. "Have a good night Dr. Taylor."

"You too," I say with a smile. I leave the hospital and head home. I'm quite happy to be, Val and I have had little contact over the last three days. I walk in the door of my apartment and see Val and Random Guy sitting on the couch watching a movie.

"Heyy Random Guy! Why are you still here?" I say

"Uh, I was invited over?" He says

"His name is Francis, and where the hell have you been?" Val says standing up

"Getting laid by an incredibly hot Italian," I say bluntly with a smirk

"Go you?" She questions

"Yes, go me. She's gorgeous." I laugh, "Speaking of I have a date to get ready for so you and Random Guy enjoy your movie." 

"Francis!" She corrects as I walk up the stairs. I look at my dress options, I choose an Emerald-ish colored dress. It's not too long, not too short, and makes my ass pop. I put on a bit heavier makeup, not too much though. I go to apply mascara and see that my waterproof is out, shit. No crying I guess. I walk over to my mirror to get the final look, I feel like a whole new person. I don't usually show this much skin. The insecurities are a bit more prominent. I debate changing into a dress that covers more but when I look at the time I don't have time to. I receive a text from Carina,


I'm here when you're ready ;)

Read 7:02pm 

I head down my stairs and see Val asleep on Random Guy's shoulder, 

"Take care of them or I chop your hand off and sew it to your ass." His eyes go wide and he starts to speak.

"Joking. Chill out." I laugh. He looks a bit scared. "Mostly," I say just to add to his fear.  walk out my door and lock it behind me. Walking downstairs in heels is not easy. I almost feel halfway down. I would have just died right there if Carina saw me but she wasn't paying attention. She spots me and gets out. 

"Wow. You look ah wonderful." Carina compliments

"Thank you" I reply bashfully, I look up and see she is in a plum-colored dress. It cut off about mid-thigh, a little higher. Her chest looks amazing. 

"Bambina my eyes are up here," she says teasingly 

"Sorry, I can't help it. You look too good." I tease back. Her face goes a shade of red.

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