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Warning: Mature Themes 

I felt my back slam against the back side of the door. Her lips were on mine with bone-crushing force.

"Let me make this very... Clear I'm in charge. Not you." She says her voice dropping an octave. I forgot how to breathe. All I could do was nod. "I need words Bambina," she warns 

"Yes." I finally choke out. She wastes no time pushing me over the side of the couch and landing on top of me. she rips off her shirt revealing a cherry-colored lacy bra, I moan at the sight of it. she reaches for my shirt and looks at me for permission. 

"Yes," I say, again she wastes no time ripping my shirt off. She reaches behind me and unclips my bra. She kisses down my neck, sucking on my sweet spot. I gasp and I can feel her do that stupid grin against my skin. she kisses down my now bare chest leaving dark marks all over, she looks at my chest and smiles.

"You're beautiful..." she mutters as she circles her tongue around my growing bud making me squirm. Carina lets out a small giggle, she kisses down my stomach. Her hands land at the waistline of my pants. She again looks up at me for permission. 

"God. You don't even have to ask." I sigh.

"Consent is sexy Bambina, get used to it." she retorts

"Shut up and fuck me," I say, desperation evident in my voice. 

"Be careful what you wish for." she laughs. She drags down my jeans and my panties at the same time leaving me completely bare. Yet somehow she was almost fully clothed. 

"You're wearing too many clothes..." I murmur and snake my arm around her back and unclip her bra. I toss her bra across the room, I turn back to her sitting up and unbuttoning her pants. Giving me the perfect view of her chest. She threw her pants across the room, running her hands down my stomach she looked at me with desire. She moved down and positioned her head between my thighs. She kissed up my thighs until she was met with my warm center. I was practically dripping at her touch. She ran her fingers up my slit, just missing my clit. (The rhyming was unintentional lmao) 

"Don't tease Carina..." You whine 

"Last time I checked Bambina, I said I was in charge." She says her eyes going dark. She took my clit into her mouth sucking harshly. I let out a loud moan and grabbed a fistful of her hair I pulled slightly making her moan into my center.  She shoved two fingers into me with no warning making me scream her name. I felt a familiar knot forming in my stomach. 

"Are you close Bella, I can feel you squeezing my fingers." She teases

"God... Ah! Yes, don't stop." I scream. I felt her fingers pull out of me and she stopped the assault on my swollen clit. 

"Carina, what the hell? I was so close." I exclaim.

"When I told you I was in charge I meant it. You aren't the one giving orders, I am, and if you want to cum at all... I get mine first." She demands. Usually, I was the one on top, Carina brought out a whole other side of me. Of course, what's the fun in obeying immediately, why not give her a taste of her own medicine. I grab her shoulders and flip her over so I was on top.

"What makes you think I should listen to you? Huh?" Her eyes go wide surprised by my actions, her face goes red and her breathing quickens. 

"Not so confident now are we?" I say grabbing her chin. She shakes her head. Wow, she turned on a dime. I make my way down her goddess of a body kissing my way down her thighs, I make sure to skip over just where she wants me. 

"Please..." She begs. Carina DeLuca begging is something I could get used to.

"Only because you asked so nicely." I bring my hand up to feel how wet she is through her panties. God, she was dripping.

"God babe your so fucking wet." I groan. She squirms under my touch,

"All for you..." she says back. I bring her panties down off her legs and run my thumb over her swollen clit, she lets out a soft moan. I move my thumb and push two fingers into her. She gasps. I quicken my pace. She's a moaning wreck at this point, I love how reactive she is. I quicken my pace yet again, Carina's moaning, the lude sounds her wetness was making was music to my ears. I felt her tighten around my fingers. She's close.

"God... Pl-please I need more." She almost screams. I'll be nice. I run my tongue around her clit and suck gently. Carina tightens around my fingers and grabs hold of my hair and tugs roughly. She finally comes undone and lets out the hottest moan,

"Ah... fuck Devyn..." She says breathily

"That's it, you're okay..." I sooth her through her climax. She calms down, I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear. She seems to have recovered, what she says catches me off guard.

"Ride my face." She says gaining some of the confidence back from earlier.

"Carina it's fine if you're tired.." I say. She hushes me

"Shut up and ride my face." She said a bit louder. I mean ok, who's gonna argue with that?  I sit up and crawl up next to her and throw my leg over her head and slowly sink into her face. She wastes absolutely no time. Her tongue darts over my clit over and over causing me to grab onto the side of the couch for support. she drags her arms around my thigh and brings her thumb up to my clit and rubs small, fast circles. She drags her tongue down my slit giving no warning she shoves the full length of her tongue into me. I moan out.

"Fuck Carina! Don't stop... Don't you dare stop I'm so close." I moan. she quickens the pace of her thumb which pushes me over the edge. I release it right into her mouth, she kitten licks the rest of the mess she's made up. I dismount her face and lie next to her. She gets up and her legs wobble. 

"Having a bit of trouble?" I giggle. She shoots me a look and walks into her kitchen. I hear her sink turn on, and she emerges from the kitchen with a rag in hand. She walks over and wipes down my center making me gasp at the coldness. I take the rag from her and do the same for her. Carina speaks first.

"Come on, let's sleep in an actual bed..." She sighs. The tiredness has taken over my body, all I can do is nob. Carina takes my hand and leads me to the room I had stayed in days before. I collapse into the bed scooting right into Carina's arms, laying my head on her chest. Carina kisses the top of my head.

"Sweet dreams Bambina..." Was the last thing I heard before drifting off to sleep.


Hi! I hope this was ok, I'm not exactly an expert at writing this kind of stuff I usually stick to the Angsty type beat but yk, here we are. I may start another book of preferences, to make my little gay heart happy lmk if you would read. Also... HAPPY PRIDE to all gays I've been meaning to say that. 

(1255 words)

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