40 | finale pt.1

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Asa ignited her lightsaber while holding the child in place on her chest, her weapon cutting down each enemy as she sped down the street. IG-11 shot anything that moved toward him and Asa kept the child shielded.

The two jumped off of their speeders, Asa flipping through the air while holding the Child to make sure he didn't slip out of the satchel then ignited her lightsaber again. She held out her hand to her left toward the destroyed cantina, using the Force to summon her other lightstaber. The Child cooed from his bag and looked up at her, making a noise as if telling her to hurry up so she didn't get shot again.

When Asa's other lightsaber flew into her hand, she twisted it to the end of the other one to create her double sided one. She ran forward, slashing three stormtroopers at once before Force-throwing another through a wall. The Child cooed loudly and shouted as if saying "Go, Mom!" Asa smiled a little at his behavior before swinging her sabers around and almost decapitating Din.


"Well, don't sneak up on me like that!" Asa shouted as she stood back to back with him. She deflected any shots that came at the two and used the Force to shield the kid from blaster shots.

"Then next time, don't make me think you died!"

Asa glanced back at him and gave him an apologetic look. The child looked up at him and babbled to greet him. Din nodded to him and patted his head in a quick manner to acknowledge him before shooting at more troopers.

An explosion behind them made the two look in the direction where Cara was. Two Deathtroopers proceeded inside. To their right, IG-11 was being shot down by a squad of Stormtroopers.

"I got your six." She said to him and deflected fired shots back at the enemy. Din nodded, giving her shoulder a small squeeze then ran to where the disgarded E-Web was.

The kid tried looking to where Din was going but Asa moved too fast for him to see. She got out of the way of the E-Web's cannon fire as he took out the troopers around them.

Asa ended up getting separated from Din when a group of stormtroopers surrounded her. She deflected each shot she could before using the Force to stop each round shot at her. Red beams hovered in mid-air and slowly started to make their way to her. One started to burn her arm since it got too close. The child cried, fearing for his life and worrying about the woman carrying him. Asa let out a war cry and sent the blaster shots away from her, the red beams killing the troopers around her.

Another explosion sounded from behind her and she turned, seeing an Imperial-armored man standing among the troopers. She made eye contact with him, instantly recognizing the Imperial Moff who stared back with a smirk. Memories flashed through her mind as she remembered the horrible memory wipes and the experimentations she underwent with Moff Gideon and Commander Noavik. She backed away, the ingrained terror flooding her senses.

She turned away to run over to Greef and IG-11, only to see Cara drag Din back into the cantina. The five (six if you include the Child) holed themselves up in the building. Asa clipped her lightsaber back on her belt before setting the Child down on the ground and running over to Cara and Din. The woman laid him down on a broken table before standing to look at Asa.

"What happened to--" A fist colliding with Asa's face stopped her mid sentence and she fell to the ground, spitting out blood and a tooth. Cara advanced again and kicked her in the chest, Asa spitting out more blood and coughing from the lack of air. The Child cried out for her and covered his face with his robe to block out the sight.

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