⌛10 years ago⌛

797 9 14

Type: angst

"Zander...?" "...Zander...?"

My eyes stayed closed tightly shut. I couldn't open them no matter how hard I tried. It's like I couldn't even feel my own body, like the only part I had access to was the brain.

I tried moving my legs, but as I expected, I was pitifully unsuccessful. I could hear muffled voices around me, one I recognized, one I didn't. I tried to gain their attention by doing literally anything, but I just couldn't, I didn't have the strength.

Suddenly I heard the same voice, "...Zander? A-are you there?" They stuttered, and I could actually tell that they were welling up with tears just by speaking. I could hear the lump in their throat as their voice began to get higher.

I desperately tried to give them some kind of signal to let them know I was awake. I didn't even know where I was. Now that I think about it... What was happening?

Then I heard a different voice, one I didn't recognize, "He should wake up soon enough. It's been 10 years, that's long enough if you ask me..."

Ten years?! Ten years since what?? I was getting frustrated with the whole 'not moving' thing, but there was nothing I could do about it. Then that familiar voice I recognized so well was heard again, "He was moving slightly, I-I saw. Oh god I can't wait to see his beautiful face again when he wakes up." Then came the tears. I could hear them crying. But who was it? I just couldn't concentrate.

"Would you like me to leave you with him for a while? It may calm you down, sir."

"Yes please. Thank you, doctor."

Doctor? I heard the sound of a door opening and then being shut tightly afterwards. Next I felt a sudden dip in whatever I was laying on, probably a bed. It was a person sitting on it next to me.

"Oh Zander." The familiar voice cried, "I'm right here, sweetie... Please wake up..." They sobbed as I felt them grasp one of my hands in their own.

Wait a minute... sweetie? Sweetie... LUKE? Only Luke calls me that! Was it Luke that was talking to me? Yes! I recognize it now, Luke! My boyfriend.

I desperately tried moving, speaking, anything just to gain his attention. I was awake, I was here, he just didn't notice because I can't move my damn body.

Luke I'm here! I'm awake! I called through my head, though it's not like he knew.

Then suddenly I felt a strange, yet familiar sensation. I felt soft, warm lips pressed gently against my own. It only lasted for a few seconds, but as soon as they pulled away, I moved.

My eyes fluttered open and I immediately sat straight up on the bed I was in. "LUKE?!" I gasped for air, as if I hadn't been breathing this whole time.

His beautiful golden eyes widened and then filled up with tears, "ZANDER?!" He screamed, happily of course, before hugging me. I obviously hugged back, thought it was still pretty tiring to move.

As we pulled away I heard Luke shouting, "DOCTOR, DOCTOR, HE'S AWAKE!! ZANDER'S AWAKE!!"

And as soon as those words were let out of his mouth, the door flew wide open and there stood a man in a white jacket. Wait, was he a doctor? Was I in hospital?? What happened??

I had so many questions, but before I could ask any of them, Luke interrupted me, "Oh honey, baby, I'm so glad you're alive!!" He sobbed into my chest. Alive? What the fuck?

"Alexander, how do you feel?" The doctor came up to me and looked me dead in the eyes.

How do I feel? I feel a little tired but nothing major, "Uhh, I feel fine, just a little tired, that's all..." I muttered, not even really having enough strength to talk properly.

𝚕𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜 ♡ (complete//hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now