The Child of Famous People. Korra x Asami 🥰

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Yasuko (their daughter's) POV

My Mothers have always been a busy pair, Mum Korra is the Avatar so she spends a lot of time away from the city in different nations and Mom Asami runs a huge car business that she wants me to take over but I'm not sure that's my dream.

As a kid I loved being their child, all the parties and cool things they taught me. They were never neglectful. Either Mum Korra would take me with her to work or Mom Asami would. And they always seemed to find time for eachother and us as a three.

We also go on cool holidays to the spirit realm. And as for school, I went to private school, all my class mates knew I was their daughter, they had famous and/or rich parents too so it didn't matter to them.

I'm 18 now so the paparazzi follow me around a lot since they are legally allowed to photograph me, before they had to follow this law that said any person who photographed a child of famous parents had to have it approved, and of course not a lot of photos of me were approved.

I had just finished my shift at one of Mom Asami's smaller branches. The paparazzi were waiting outside as usual so I was allowed to park my car close to the door.

A security guard kept them back as I got into my car. Most if them just wanted a good picture, they haven't gotten a good one since I was 15 at a red carpet." Some of them asked questions. "Yasuko! What is your job role?" "Yasuko! Are you dating anyone?" I ignored the questions and drove to a bar.

Once at there I sat on a stole and watched a news story about Mum. She had stopped another war, this time it was earth benders. I saw her waving to the crowd before jumping on a bison and flying away.

A bartender looked at me and smiled. "You're the Avatar's kid?" I nodded and took a shot. "Will your Mum kill me if I let you get drunk here?" They said with belly laugh. I shook my head and filled up a pint class with the alcohol bottle. "Don't talk much?" They asked as they leaned over the bar. "I guess, I haven't made many friends since leaving school. So I don't talk a lot."

The Bartender nodded and held out their hand. "I'm Avery." I shook their hand and they smiled. "I'm Yasuko." I answered with a laugh. "Now I'm your friend." They laughed.

Avery then left to take a few orders and made up some drinks. A few girls where eyeing them up. I like Avery they had a masc frame but long hair and feminine, small arms and hands. Shit. I think I have a crush.

2 weeks later.

I went to the bar every day after work, and Avery was always ready to talk and laugh with me, they made sure I didn't have too much either some days not even giving me alcohol.

A week later Avery and I went on a date, they were so nervous. It was sweet. After the second date the next night we made it official and became a couple.

It has now been 2 months since we met and
I was watching a mover with my Mums when I got a text from Avery. They sent me cute messages which made me blush and Mum Korra noticed. "Asami are baby is blushing!" She said as she paused the TV.

I held my phone to my chest and looked at my parents. "Oh honey, we'd love to hear about them." Mom Asami said. I blushed harder and they both hugged me for each side.

"Okay I'll tell you." Their name is Avery, they go by they/them pronouns, they are a demigirl. They work at a bar and is 20 years old. They want to work in design."

My mums smiled and Mom Asami asked. "They sound nice. Can we meet them?" I nodded and said. "Yeah after I see them tomorrow I'll bring them home." Mum Korra smiled and said. "That's great honey. We are very excited."

Asami's pov

We went to bed after watching the Mover and I looked to Korra worried. "What's wrong Sami?" She asked as she wrapped her arms around me. "I don't know Korra, Yasuko is so young and she's never dated before, and she is starting to be intresting tk the press..." Korra stopped me as I was getting too panicked.

"Asami, I know she's our little girl, but she's an adult now. We know that Yasuko is a smart girl, and she can make good choices."

After Korra calmed me down we cuddled close to eachother and I fell asleep.

The next day

Yasuko's pov

After work I got in my car and headed to the bar. I noticed quite a crowd outside of it and worried about who might be there. I got out my car to see cameras and microphones in my face. "Yasuko! Is it true you are dating a bar tender who works here?" "Yasuko! Is your mom making any plans for you at future industries?" "Yasuko are you an alcoholic?"

I ignored the questions just like I was taught and noticed two body guards infront of the bar doors. "Did my Mom send you?" I asked, knowing now that my relationship must on been leaked and that me entering this bar is on the new. The two body guards both nodded and let me inside. "Keep them out." I ordered and walked in.

I went over to the bar and looked to Avery. "We are on the news, never thought I'd get famous this way." They joked, I took their hands and sighed. "Avery I never meant for us to go public so soon. An undercover reporter must of been following us." Avery smiled and kissed my cheek. "Hey it's okay. We will sort this out. And I like people knowing that I'm dating Yasuko Sato." I laughed at her quip before I went in for the kiss.

However we were inturputed by a body guard coming in with my Mums. "Yasuko, have you seen the story?" Mum Korra asked. I shook my head and Avery turned on the news.

"A report came in that Yasuko Sato has been visiting the same bar for 2 months now after work. Some believe she is an alcoholic. Our other source says she's been seeing someone.

This picture was taken last weekend of Yasuko holding the hand of what we believe to be her bar tender. Maybe she is just getting friendly with this bar tender to get free drinks?"

I shut off the tv and looked to my Mums. "I can't believe I let my guard down." I said worried about what was going to happen next. "Hey kid, it's okay, Mom and I have had some bad reports before. We can get you an interview and you can explain who Avery is." Mum Korra said calmly.

I nodded and took Avery's hand. "By the way, Mums, this is Avery, my- um." I didn't know what to call them. "I'm her girlfriend. That label doesn't make me feel uncomfortable."

My Mums smiled and Mom Asami shook Avery's hand. "It's lovely to meet you Avery, I am sorry it wasn't in a better sercomstance." Avery nodded and answered. "Me too Mrs Sato, but can I say, I am a big fan of your work." I grinned and my Mom smiled. "Of course go on." She lauged. Mum Korra shook Avery's hand too and Avery whispered to me. "That's the Avatar!" I laughed and nodded. "Yep." We all laughed and then Tenzin came with a sky bison and we flew away to our masion.

I'll do a part 2.

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