Eight: Court, part 1

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⚠️ mentions of abuse, mentions of attempted rape, cussing⚠️

I'm going to start putting a pic of the outfits into the chapter. When it is the first or only, it will be up there ↟↟. If it is the next day then I'll put it up before I start the next part. 


I'm making a whole character....board kinda think. I'm just making the beginning character list but I'm putting information in their-like age, weight, height, and stuff like that.


I have zero knowledge of how the hell a court case actually works.

2993 words

The whole point for the Court date to be so soon was to avoid the media's eyes. That did not work.

I woke up feeling like shit and I also felt like shit. My dark under eyes still showed over the concealer so I just wiped all the makeup off my face. I look like death, I look paler than I really am. Maybe it is the lack of nutrition from not eating for three days. Even when I was with my mom, I ate at least two times a day. Either it was small or decent. I only went starving a few times in my twelve years of life. I never want to go back to those days, like I never want to see Alice fucking Ford ever again.

I picked at the end of my plan white bottom over, thinking of the forever-daunting nightmare I had last night. The necklace dangled over my lap. The limo drove into the middle of the city, closer to the courthouse, closer to the trial, closer to the hearing. Today is the day they decide my mother's sentencing. By Now she had been going at this for three weeks. Now that there was the assassination attempt on me, her sentencing does not look good. Not even with the dumb-ass deal she made.

" It's going to be alright, kid." I looked up. Roy, who we picked up so he showed up, gave me a reassuring smile. " Today can be the last day you will ever see her. Just hand on there." 

I shouldn't be so anxious to see her again. I have seen her in many ways that traumatized me until I got used to it. But she never tried to prostitute me or hired someone to kill me until now.

And to think a part of me will allways love her.

I sat up and leaned back into the leather seat, now I'm bouncing my right leg. " I know, it's just so much." Roy patted my knee, " Yeah, they didn't really give you much time, did they?" For some reason it was funny. I giggled a little and nodded, "Yeah, this is pretty fast."

" Just remember," dick put his arm around my shoulders from my left. " We are here."

" And always will be." Jason cut in. " No matter what," Damian said with full confidence that would happen no matter what.

They're all acting really weird, obviously, they know about everything but I have noticed that Tim has been very distant today. Distance for me. I think he is preparing himself for the results, trying not to get hurt. I would admit, during the week I have stayed with the Wayne family, I have been seeing the boys as....close to a brother.

I would walk the dogs with Damian, in silence beside a few words between us, and would set down and draw together. Dick and I learned of my natural flexibility so he has been coming over and teaching me flips and some easy acrobatic tricks. Tim spent hours in the mouring getting me updated with technology, and our love for coffee. And Jason... Well, I barely saw him but he saved me and... He has this vibe about him that is so familiar.

And then there is Alfred and Bruce. Alfred, in the beginning, reluctantly taught me a few recipes. After I made an apple pie (I would die for some apple pie) with no problem, he invited me to the kitchen to prepare dinner ever since. He introduced me to so many foods, including apple pie. It's a crime I never had it until now. 

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