preference #1 - how you meet

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Note for preferences: I most likely won't include Chad or Pat in these. But if you would like me to in the future, let me know! Also, my preferences may be a little long sometimes.


1990. Your best friend Dave is going to an audition for a band in Aberdeen named Nirvana. While he is there, drumming for the current band members, you sit behind his stool, hidden with your back against the wall. They agree almost immediately to let Dave in the band, and you jump up and hug him from behind. As you and Dave make your way to a café to celebrate, you are met by a blonde boy, who you have a small chat with. You come to find out his name is Kurt, and he's the frontman of Dave's new band. 


1991 (Pre-Nevermind). You sit in a small bar in the city of Seattle. At this point you don't know where you're going, you're just doing whatever these days. As you sit there, an shot yet to be drank in front of you and your chin on your hand, someone sits next to you, even though the bar was practically empty at this time of night, and there were plenty of other seats. You look over to see a man with a wide smile. He introduces himself as Dave, and you chat about life, music, and random stuff for the rest of the night. Before you exit the bar, he asks for your number and you pull a pen out of your jacket and write it down on a napkin.


1988. You just played as an opening band for Mudhoney, with another small band named Nirvana. After the concert you wander around backstage when you bump into someone, not paying attention. You apologize, and look up to realize you are standing in front of a very tall guy. He chuckles, and says he's the bassist of Nirvana, his name being Krist. You tell him your name, and how you're the frontman of the other opening band. You hang around backstage, talking about experiences with your bands, when he tells you he likes your voice. You then ask for his number, already taking interest in him, when your drummer calls your name to leave and you run off.

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