k.c. imagine #1

620 8 2

TW: drugs/self-harm


The year is 1993.


Getting home from picking up groceries, you jiggled the keys in the front door of your home.

The house was dark when you entered, so you flipped on the lights and set the bags down on the kitchen counter.

"Kurt? I'm home!" you called out, getting no response. Assuming he was napping, you tiptoed up the steps and opened the creaky door.

But instead of seeing him peacefully sleeping in the bed, you saw Kurt sprawled out on the floor, barely conscious and breathing shallow.

"Kurt, what happened?" you exclaimed in confusion. "Are you okay?"

Your questions were answered when you knelt down and found needles and syringes among other things.

You saw the marks on Kurt's inner elbow and put the pieces together.

"No, no, no, no! You can't be doing this again!" you cried.

"I'm... fine." Kurt said almost angry.

"No. No you're not. One more syringe full and you could've overdosed!"

He was silent.

"That may not seem like much, but I can't live without you! I would be lost!"

He remained silent, but tears brewed in his eyes as he looked regretful.

He tried to sit up, but couldn't, so you helped him up.

"I'm... I'm... sorry..." he said shakily.

Your expression softened and you nodded, accepting his apology. "I know you're struggling, but I want you to listen to me. You are beautiful, talented, and smart. Krist loves you, Dave loves you, and I love you. So much."

At those words, he broke down, and you held him tight.

He stopped crying and calmed down after a few minutes.

You hoisted him up into bed and tucked him in.

You kissed him on the forehead, and looked at him smiling.

Kurt smiled back, "I love you."

You cleaned up the mess next to the bed, crushed it up, and threw it in the trash.

When you returned to your room, you crawled into bed next to Kurt, who was soundly sleeping.


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