request #1 - dave

354 4 7

request for LoveAngel334

warning: smut!!


You were at home in your apartment waiting around for your boyfriend, Dave, who was on tour with his band.

He called you last night to tell you he would be home the next day, and you've been super excited since.

There's one problem, though. It was 10pm and the welcome home dinner you made was getting cold.

As you paced around, thoughts of finally seeing Dave being the only thing occupying your mind, you heard noise outside the front door and the sound of keys jingling.

You jumped and softly ran to the kitchen and put the food in the microwave.

After pressing start, you turned around and there was Dave, smiling his cute smile.

"You damn near made me piss my pants, you bitch!" you exclaimed as you hugged him tight.

"Sorry, sorry," he chuckled.

"I've missed you so much! How was the tour?"

"It was great! Our next one you definitely have to come," Dave trailed off. "And I've missed you too," he said, giving a sly smile, looking you up and down.

You took the hint, and with your face flushing a little, you grabbed his hand and led him to your shared room.

As soon as the door shut, Dave grabbed you and pinned you against it and pressed his lips against yours.

Your hand trailed down to his crotch, rubbing the growing bulge.

This definitely got a reaction out of Dave, as he tried to muffle his sounds with the kiss.

He carefully pulled you over to the bed and got on top of you, kissing and biting at your neck as he pulled down your shorts.

He rubbed your clit through your underwear, making you squirm in pleasure.

Dave then pulled a condom out of his jeans pocket, and after taking his pants and boxers off, he put the condom on.

He leaned down to kiss you. "Ready?" he asked. You nodded, kissing him again and then he proceeded to pull down your underwear, align himself, and carefully push his member into you.

He started slowly being mindful to you since it's been a while.

But as he sped up, heavy breathing and moans filling the room, you both finished, tired and out of breath.

Dave helped you up, and you both cleaned up and put on some more comfortable clothes.

He laid down in the bed, and you laid next to him with your head on his chest as he held you close to him.

He grabbed the remote to turn on the TV, but upon seeing you already out, he flipped off the lamp and covered you both with a blanket and kissing you on the forehead.


A/N: Sorry if this is bad or generic-seeming! This is my first time writing smut, but I still hope you enjoyed. Have a good day/night <3

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