c.c. imagine #1

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"Welcome back, drummer boy," you said as Chad walked in the door, sweaty from practicing with his band.

He just smirked and remarked, "Wouldn't wanna be any anything else than that."

After you scoffed, he shrugged playfully and went upstairs.

You waited on the couch for a few seconds until you heard the shower start. At that you decided to go to the kitchen and whip up both a plan and some grilled cheese.

As soon as Chad, walked down the stairs, hair still wet, you grabbed his hand and led him out the door.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"That's for me to know and you to find out," you smirked.

You continued dragging him along a few blocks until you turned on a small dirt path slightly covered up by grass.

You released your grip and just let him follow you.

You breathed in, enjoying the smell of the crisp fall air and the sound of leaves crunching under your feet.

After a moment more you arrived at this old well, surrounded by a little pond, which was surrounded by flowers and trees.

You stopped to admire the view of the moonlight glistening on the water, gently moving with the wind.

Chad stood beside you doing the same. "How'd you find this? It's really pretty," he said.

"I was just wandering around today, and saw the path, so ya know, dirt path, curiosity, blah blah."

"Hm," he grunted and shivered. You saw and handed him the oversized zip up jacket you thrifted.

"Oh, check the pockets," you said.

He did that, and inside was two grilled cheeses in foil.

You both sat down and ate them, which they were still warm, and talked and laughed.

After a little bit, Chad laid his head on you shoulder and started to doze off.

"Hey, now's not the time for that," you chuckled and poked him. "Besides, I'm also tired, and I want to sleep in my bed.

"Gimme a sec," he grumbled.

"Okay, but if you fall asleep I'm dragging you home," you laughed.

For the next minute or so, you just looked out watching the water move and the moon's reflection glistening, and the leaves gently swaying in the breeze.

It was perfect, being with your favorite person in one of your favorite settings.

You poked Chad again, "C'mon, I'll give you a piggy back ride home." It wouldn't be that hard since he's not very tall, not that it's a bad thing.

"No matter how tired I am, I could go for a piggy back ride anytime."

You both chuckled and got up. You crouched down and he jumped on your back.

Walking back, you hummed a tune for a second, then stopped. "You still there?"

You got no response so you smiled, and continued humming and walking as the street lamps lit the path.

You walked to your apartment, juggled the keys in the door and quietly entered, making sure to lock the door again.

You carefully laid Chad down in your bed, put the covers over him, and went to sleep yourself.


Hey! I'm really sorry this is out so late, but I'm glad I finally did it. I had a lot of stuff come up, and then Hurricane Ian. For those who unfortunately were in its path, I hope you're okay, and please stay safe! ❤️

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