d.g. imagine #1

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I was lounging around my home when the phone rang.

"Hello?" I answered it.

"Hey, babe, come over to my place ASAP," it was Dave, my boyfriend.

Then he hung up.

I was confused, but still, changed out of my pajamas and left my apartment.

I arrived at Dave's house and knocked, but received no answer.

"Dave? You in there?" I called.

No response.

I opened the door only to be jumpscared by Dave, his bandmates, and some friends and family of mine.

"Happy Birthday!" they all yelled.

"Birthday...?" I trailed off, then glanced at my watch to see the date. (Y/B/D).

I looked around the house, seeing all sorts of junk food, a pool table, and nicely wrapped gifts.

"Holy shit guys," you said. "I completely forgot."

"No way," Krist replied, and I shrugged.

Dave walked up to me and gave me a hug and kiss on the forhead then looked at me.

"What are we waiting on? Let's start the festivities!"


After the party, I helped Dave clean up.

"I kicked your asses at pool," I bragged.

"We were going easy on you," he chuckled.

"Mhm," you rolled your eyes, then gave him a kiss. "Thank you, Dave, really. That was great."

"Of course. I love you (Y/N)."

"I love you too."


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