Beginning of the End

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Day 1:

I saw on the news today that a monster went feral and bit a few others, one human casualty. I can't say this is common, the monsters are usually good at keeping calm and not biting so things like this don't happen. Sometimes a monster slips up though, poor guy.


I think Kane broke something my last beating. Everything hurts, I should be used to this by now. No new news on the feral monster. It might have been let out with a slap on the wrist or something.

Day 12:

The news are telling us to stay indoors which means I don't have to sleep outside tonight! Something bad is happening out there, but nobody knows what. I heard a rumor that the feral aren't taming out. That's impossible right?

Day 17:

The rumors are true. The feral are overrunning the city. Kane was bit by one today. He's running a high fever and can't move. I know I should be grateful to him for taking me in, but that bastard can burn in hell for what he's done.

Day 24:

I'm going with a group of survivors to a safe place they've set up Underground. The city was overrun, we have nowhere else to go. Apparently the Underground was the best bet, only one entrance and one exit.

Day 30:

We've made it, it was shockingly easy to get there. The feral must be sticking to the cities and such. I met a scientist on the way over. He said the feral are feeding on the dead. He believes they are hoping to get something that they are missing from their own genetic makeup. Determination.

Day 45:

A group of nonferal monsters made it to the Underground today. They were poorly received. I feel bad for them, its not like it's their fault that their species is... I don't even know. Infected with something? The Skeleton among the group was desperate to go back out. Screaming about going to get his brother back. From what I heard, the monster had used himself as bait so the others could escape. I think that the Skeleton knows... 'Sans' isn't coming back.


The day before

Sans POV

I panted heavily as they kept running from the feral. We'd warned Undyne that it was a trap, not to check for food in that room, but she hadn't listened and now the feral was after us. It was like the humans were trying to set us up for failure. I growled from under my breath. I had to get the feral off their tails. I had to fix whatever was going on. My eyelights flicked down then behind us. The feral was catching up. They wouldn't be able to make it out in time. Not unless someone distracted the feral. I darted off to the side and whistled, drawing the feral's attention away from the others. "SANS!" Papyrus cried out. "keep running, get out of here! i'll catch up to you later!" I yelled as to keep their attention on me. Nothing drove the feral more than loud noise. I summoned a bone and knocked it into the wall. "come at me, lil doggies!" I teleported behind the feral, summoning another bone to smack against the first. "let's go for a walk!" I darted down the hall with the feral hot on my tail. I knew it'd be a long time before I saw Papyrus and the others again. I dug into my jacket pocket, desperately feeling for a key. The key. A small silver thing that could keep me from getting ripped apart by the feral.


I slipped through the confused crowd of feral monsters. With my cuffs now off, I smelled like one of them. My yellow slit eyelights darted around as I sniffed the air of the hotel. We'd been hunkered down here to find food before continuing back to the Underground, but well... it hadn't worked out. Papyrus and the others had made it out, I could no longer smell them in the building. So, why wasn't I getting torn apart, let alone bit? That answer was simple really. I'd been feral my entire life. I don't know how, but my father, Dr. Gaster had found the solution to taming ferality. If he hadn't fallen down, he probably could've stopped this before it began and now I had to use the cure within me to cure others... without killing them and myself. I know determination is in the cure and he'd found our how to use it safely without killing me, I just don't know how. That's going to be the hard part. Then I also have low stats so most tests are pretty much lethal to me. Hard part number two.


I stepped out into the sunlight and inhaled. My first objective is finding a lab to conduct my work in. I pivoted on a paw, quickly picking up on a hospital a few blocks down. That would do. I would have to scavenge for more equipment and food, but it would be a lot easier now without the others. They'd be safer without me. I nearly cringed at seeing a couple feral monsters tearing into a human. To think that the King and Queen had been reduced to that state, it was depressing. How could they even digest that without it being magic? Was it something altered within the venom that all monster naturally produced? I supposed it had to be if bite was what was infecting other monsters. The venom still killed humans, as it had always done. Maybe the venom killed humans faster? I didn't know, I haven't watched a human die. Frisk was still alive... for now. If the kid did die, I probably won't be there. I perked as the hospital came into view, my tail wagging a little. "it's time to get to work." I cringed just thinking about working.

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