When You Least Expect it

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You made those days the best that you could before Sans had to go. Used one of the hospital halls as a full blown waterslide, played in the rain on the roof, danced in the cafeteria as if your lives depended on it, watched movies that you 'borrowed' from the store. All sorts of fun things. You weren't sure why you were treating this like he'd be gone forever, it would only be a week, but still. You haven't really been apart since you met in the Ruins. You were going to miss him... very much. "hey [Y/N]." You gave him your attention, curious as to what he was going to say. "here... for if you get lonely." It was... him. Sorta. The plush lacked any animalistic features and had pink feet, but it had its own little blue jacket and everything. Sans clossed a socket and put a phalange to his muzzle. "now don't tell anyone, i stole it from my mom." You gave him a confused look. "I thought you didn't have a mom?" Sans waved a hand in a so-so manner. "kinda but not really. let's just say we are here for a reason."


Sans left early in the morning, while you were asleep. Dogaressa was gone too, just as he said, which meant you had the whole hospital to yourself... alone.. you hated it, hated being apart from Sans. It was like a piece of you was missing. You didn't stay very long before you started wandering out with that Sans plush and his jacket wrapped tight around you. You scouted out the next places you should go for a date. The museum would be pretty cool. You weren't sure if ANYTHING was alive in the aquarium. Or maybe you could see what it's like in a fire house or police station? Maybe you could visit a mansion? Or- what was going on over there? The ferals were going nuts.. your eyes widened. What if there was a survival team there?! You ran for the closest alarm at some bank and pulled it, exiting before the ferals could get too aggressive towards the sound. You entered the pharmacy as the last few ferals rushed past with vicious growls. You looked around to find what had them so triggered only to see a sight you weren't expecting to find.


"General Papyrus? Dr. Alphys? Undyne? Frisk? What are you four doing here?" The General looked from his position, enclosed in the actual pharmacy area with the others. "[Y/N]?!" They all gaped. "Hey guys... give me a minute or so and I can get you a free pass through the ferals like mine here." You gestured to the coat before you headed back out. It was strange, they never made survival groups with more monsters than humans. Not to mention Undyne and Alphys weren't in the survival unit, last you'd checked. Stars you wished Sans was here to help you help them. Taking clothing from ferals without making them mad wasn't an easy task, though you managed, having learned through removing and placing Dogaressa's muzzle. Soon you had a leather jacket, a shawl, a sweater, and a t shirt for everyone. "Here, ya go. I've got a place you can crash, but I'm not sure how long you can stay. My partner is out of town for the week." You explained before turning and walking away, deciding to wait outside for them. They would have questions. Questions you weren't ready to answer quite yet. Not while you were in the danger zone.


They followed you, whether it was to bring you back or because you seemed to know what you were doing out here, or even to learn about your partner, you weren't sure. You pulled out the key to the hospital doors and let them inside before you closed the door behind you. "The cafeteria is stocked for now, all the rooms on the third floor and up are open. Let me know when you're ready to go back. Oh, and don't touch any of the research on the second floor, my partner and I have been working very hard on it." You laid down the ground rules quickly. "Who's this partner?" Frisk asked, ever curious. "That's confidential." You replied. Sans obviously didn't want his friends and family to see him like that. Feral. So you weren't going to tell them. You couldn't just leave them to die out there either. That's why they were here. "What sort of research..?" Alphys asked. "A cure for ferality, same as you. We are close, I know it." You told her excitedly. "Hey punk, how'd you get out? And why?" Undyne asked, in curiosity.


"I was going to be removed from the program, but I didn't want to. I had, uh, learned something about the ferals and wanted to study them more, so I left through the Ruins. That's where I met my partner and he showed me everything he knew about them. In return, I helped him with his research. Eventually we started dating, but he has business to tend to so I'm holding down the fort for him until he gets back." You told them the short version of your story, leaving out Sans and his rut. And the soulmate thing. That was a major factor too. "... YOU DISOBEYED AN ORDER." Papyrus said slowly. "I'm not going back. I like it here. I like being with my partner and we are close to curing all of monsterkind. I'm needed here." You snipped at them. "Do what you need. Eat. Rest. I'll be on the second floor if you need me, if it's about the Underground, I don't want to hear it and I will kick you out of the second story." You had the keys to both stairwells and the elevator, you would do it. Stars you wished Sans was here.

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