Chapter Four

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When I walked up to the door of our apartment I kind of just stood there. I was mortified and didn't want to see the look of disappointment on my mothers face that I was sure she would have. Doing well in school was one of the only things I felt like I did right. I felt like it was one of the only things that made her happy with me.

I shook my head to rid my mind of my thoughts and feelings and got my house keys out of my bag. With a twist of the keys I was inside our little apartment. I swiftly went over to my room and closed the door behind me. The moment that the door was closed I sunk to the floor. God dammit. Why? One of the only things that I could do for this family was get good grades and of course I had to go ahead and fuck that up too. What's wrong with me? If only I had kept my mouth shut. Then maybe I wouldn't have had to deal with this tom fuckery.

A few minutes later there was a knock on my door.

"Hey sweetie, what's wrong? Why are you here so early?" I heard my mom asking from the other side of the door.

Shit, she doesn't know yet? Well fuck me. Do I really have to break the news to her myself? Couldn't the school have done me the one simple favour of telling her that I got expelled. You know what, maybe I'll tell her later. I don't think that I'm ready to tell her just yet.

I got up from my place on the floor, wiped the tears off my face, and opened the door for her.

"Oh, I was sent home early. We all were. The school got slightly flooded. All of the pipes were burst because of tree roots growing into them. There wasn't a way to walk through the school without stepping in water. So we all were allowed to leave early." I answered with an outrageous lie.

"Really? I feel like I probably would've been called if that happened." She muttered to herself.

"Yeah I think that it's weird the school didn't call you and let you know. Guess it shows just how fucked up my school is." I stated.

"Language, but I guess." She said thinking about it for a second.

"Anyways, I'm going to head to work early. He should be home at this time." I said trying to get her out of my room as soon as possible.

"Alright. Want a ride over there?" She asked.

"No, I'm fine. I'll take the bus." I said with a small smile.

"Okay. I'll leave you alone then so that you can get ready then." She said as she opened the door to leave.

"Thanks mom. I love you." I added before she left.

"Aww. Thanks honey. I love you too." She said as she left me alone in my room.

I let out a big sigh once she left. What did I do to get such an amazing person as my mother. I don't deserve her.

I went over to my dresser and grabbed a change of clothes. I got a black long sleeve shirt and a black graphic T-shirt to put over it. I then grabbed a black mini skirt. Once I got all of my clothes together I went into my bathroom and turned on the water to take a shower. After it was at a good temperature I took off my clothes and got in.

"Shit!" I whisper screamed.

Once the hot water hit my skin it felt like everything was on fire. I shut the water off as soon as possible and hopped out of the shower. I walked over to the mirror and looked at myself. There were burns and bruises scattered all over my body. My eyes travelled down to the side of my stomach. The bruise there was the deepest shade of purple I've ever seen on a person. I ran my hand over it and not only was it swollen but it felt like the ribs there were slightly misplaced.

He, he didn't break any of my ribs, did he? That isn't even possible for him to do. Right? I mean, of course it's possible. But the likelihood that he actually managed to do it's extremely slim. Although, this is the most pain he's ever inflicted on me. This feels much worse than just any bruise. FUCK! I swear to god, if he ever comes near me again I'm going to fucking murder him.

Since the hot water was hurting my skin and I wasn't willing to take a cold shower I started to get ready to head over to my job. I made sure to be careful to not hurt myself anymore so I put everything on slowly. Once I was done I got out of the bathroom and grabbed my bag and keys. I left my room and walked into the living room.

"Hey mom, I'm heading out to work. I'll see you later!" I shouted and then left the apartment and headed over to the bus stop.

It was about a two minute walk over to the bus. After waiting for about ten minutes the bus came and picked me up. I stayed on it for four stops and then got off. The place that I was going to was on the richer side of town so I had to travel a bit far away. The pay was great though so I stayed there. The person I worked for however was a dick that I couldn't stand.

When I reached their house I rang the doorbell and waited for somebody to answer. I had the keys to their place but the last time that I used them I got yelled at by the owner of the house. The door opened and a red-haired man opened the door for me.

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