Chapter Five

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"Well you're here quite early today aren't you Midoriya?" Enji Todoroki said leaning against the door frame to his house.

"Yes sir. Indeed I am." I mumbled.

I didn't like the pro-hero known as Endeavour very much. He was a loud cranky old man that nobody in his house really seemed to like. Natsuo, the oldest son in the house, couldn't stand the man and always gave him the cold shoulder. Fuyumi, the second eldest and the only daughter seemed to try and always help everybody see the good side in this man but I however just didn't see it. Then comes Shoto, he's the youngest in the house as well as the strongest in the house other than Endeavour. I can't quite tell what his opinions are on Endeavour but he doesn't seem particularly happy when he walks into the room.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because why not." I replied with a disgustingly peppy smile.

"How about because you should be in school right now." He persisted.

"Oh, the school wound up getting a bit flooded due to a burst pipe so we were able to go home." I told him, giving him the same lie that I had given to my mother earlier that day.

"Okay then."

He let me walk in but he had his brow lifted and looked unsure of what I had just said. The lie was still just as shitty as the first time I had said it but you know what, if you're gonna lie about something as big as this then you might as well just keep it consistent.

"You can go start in the dining room. The others should be back in around forty-five minutes." He said looking at his watch and then pointing to the dining room.

"Thank you sir." I gave him a little bow and then walked over to the room.

Once I was out of earshot I let out a ginormous sigh. Everytime I came here I always tried to be as nice and cordial as I possibly could. If I'm being honest though, it was extremely difficult.

Endeavour doesn't necessarily care about anybody other than himself and most of the time he lets that show. The only time he doesn't is when he's at work or when he has guests over. If I like a person I'm usually at least somewhat sweet and caring. However, if I'm with a person such as Endeavour it's severely hard for me to curb my tongue. He's my boss though. As well as the second best pro hero in the world.

Such a weird concept, 'pro hero'. It sounds phoney if you ask me. If there aren't pro villains then how the hell can there possibly be pro heroes? They basically do the same thing minus the fact that one starts the fight and most of the time the others finish it. Labels are so confusing. Why can't a person just be considered a person regardless of the shit that they do? I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Don't get carried away with your thoughts. Just do your work so that you can go home. Not that I really want to go home right now and face Izuku and mom anyways. I let out yet another sigh and pulled out my phone as well as earbuds. After deciding on a good playlist to listen to and putting both of my earbuds in I finally got to work.

Around an hour after cleaning up both the dining room and kitchen Endeavour's three kids finally came home. He greeted them but the two boys just walked past him. Fuyumi of course accepted his greeting and decided to make small talk with him. Natusou went to his room and Shoto went somewhere in the back of the house.

I didn't pay much mind to any of this and went back to cleaning. As annoying and stupid as this job was there was usually some form of drama or tension in the household which was always a fun factor so I decided to take out my earbuds. That way if there was anything I would be able to eavesdrop on it.

Another few minutes passed before I noticed that Shoto was walking down the halls and came over to where I was currently cleaning.

"Hi Midoriya. What're you doing here so early?" He asked with a confused look on his face.

"Oh, something happened with the plumbing at school causing a mini flood. I got off early and figured I might as well go to work now since I have nothing better to do." I smiled.

"Well that's the biggest bullshit lie I think I've ever seen." Shoto chuckled.

I stopped cleaning and finally looked over at him. He was standing a few feet away from me with arms crossed over his chest.

"Yeah, it was pretty stupid huh?" I giggled.

"You think?" He said.

We both stood in silence for a moment before laughing our asses off for no apparent reason.

"So, you wanna tell me what actually happened?" He asked again.

"Ehh, maybe later. We'll see." I waved him off not necessarily wanting to talk about it at that moment.

"Okay. Sounds good. Anyways, how long have you been here for?" He asked.

"Ehh not too long. Only about an hour." I shrug.

"Well that's good I guess. Not having to deal with the old man for too long alone." He joked.

"Pfft- yeah. Very good indeed." I chuckle.

"Thank god you're here now. If he tried to talk to me then I swear to god I would've died right then and there. Being nice to him is so unbelievably hard. The amount of times I just want to str- nevermind. Sorry." I stopped mid sentence.

"You're fine. Don't worry about it. You don't need to apologise Midoriya." He reassured.

"Thanks Shoto." I smile genuinely.

We just sat there talking for a few minutes before Natsuo came into the room. Once he walked into the room he glared daggers at the both of us. Moving his eyes storm grey eyes from Todoroki to me.

"Midoriya, can you clean my room next?" He asks coldly and now averting his gaze away from me.

"Uhh, yeah. Sure." I plastered a smile onto my face. 

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