Chapter Seven

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I had sunk the scissors into his chest not conscious of my doings. I had a wicked smile on my face when I took them out and plunged them into his chest again. And again. And again.

By the time that I had finished with my fun there were so many holes in his body that he looked like I had made him into a sponge. However, it was a rather poorly put together sponge. I mean hell, it wasn't even soaking up all of his blood. It was just squirting it all over the place. The only thing sinking into him were the scissors that I had stuck into him. I think that the sponge might've been a bit... deceased.

I just laughed as I looked around and saw the new décor colour that had been chosen for his room; blood red. It was a fitting look I'd say. And it looked even better on him. Gosh, what a lovely colour. I looked in the mirror and at myself. I did an innocent little twirl while looking at myself in the mirror like a little girl who just put on a princess dress. I had blood splattering all over me as well making me even happier than I already was.

"Hmm, maybe you were right. Maybe I am a bit of a blatant and irrational person I guess huh." I chuckled.

"Ah but it feels so... refreshing. Dontcha think? Oh what's that? Can't respond? Hmm, good."

"Well, I think this is where I take my leave. But thank you. I really did have a great little training session with you."

After I was finished admiring my work I went over to the window in his room and carefully escaped through there. There was a little gate to get out of the Todoroki house next to it so that's how I left. I didn't want to stay or else I knew that I'd get caught. I ran for a bit, only enough for me to not be found instantly if someone were to go looking for me.

I wound up walking for around half an hour replaying what I had done. The reality of the situation finally sinking in.

I wasn't going to be able to go back home. That meant no more of the sweet and kind brother and mother that I cared for dearly. I had failed them. And although I knew that I had failed them and that I was going to have to live my life on the run I still didn't mind. I don't know why I hadn't done something like that before. It was probably one of the best things I'd ever done in my life. After the day that I'd had, and what he did, Natsuo definitely deserved what he got.

Yeah, I don't think that there's going to be much Ms. Nice Person anymore. After all, living a life full of doing what others tell you to is rather vanilla. And who wants that? I want to live life to the fullest. Fuck the vanilla. I don't want chocolate either. Anybody can switch from doing what others tell them to and switching to telling others what to do.

What I want, is the coffee ice cream. Coffee ice cream isn't for everyone. It's too bold for most people. However, for the people that do enjoy it, it becomes their favourite ice cream. Their dessert of choice. They don't work for others nor do others work for them. They work for themselves.

I found my way over to an alley and took a seat. There was a sudden dizziness falling over me. All of the pain from throughout the day had started to truly catch up with me. It wasn't long before I realised that sitting where I was probably wasn't the best idea.

When I tried to get up though the dizziness got worse making me unable to get up. Suddenly I heard two voices coming from one of the buildings. I looked over to where I heard talking and saw two people walking out of one of the buildings.

I couldn't really hear anything that they were saying. It was all muffled. At one point one of the people noticed me and started rushing over to me. I saw him standing over me and that was the last thing that I saw before the dizziness overtook me and I lost consciousness.

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