Okinawa School Trip pt. 1b

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"No, it'll be canceled." Just then a student came up to him and shook him around. This caused a thing of uno to fall out of his pocket. "I do want you kids to go, but it's out of my hands now." Mr. Matsuzaki said in sorrow. Hairo came around trying to raise our spirits, but in short... it didn't work. After some time the typhoon disappeared. I believe the one who's constantly monologuing in his head would be the one to blame. Soon, Saiki came from around the corner soaking wet, yep I was right. And thus the school trip begins.

The plane was starting to take off. I gripped the arm rests of my seat. It's been a while since I have been on a plane.

"Hey, (m/n)." I heard from my right and looked over, it was Saiki. "You doing alright? You're gripping your seat a bit." I let go of the arm rests and put my hands together between my legs, "Yeah, it's been a bit since I've been on a plane." He nodded in understanding. I heard the rest of the class murmur sounds of relief when we were in the air. I heard the thoughts of people being happy and excited to finally be on the plane to Okinawa. I looked out the window staring at the landscape, when an idea popped into my head.

"Hey Saiki?" I turned to face him as he looked at me from the corner of his eye, telling me to go on. "I had brought my sketchbook along and was wondering if I could draw you at some point during the trip? Only if you're comfortable with it, that is." I could hear his thought of contemplating it. 'He wants to draw me? Out of all people. And I thought he wouldn't be a pain.'

"If it turns out bad I'm not taking it." He responded, which I wasn't expecting.

"I'll do my best." I smiled, then realized I had brought my camera too. I looked in his direction and noticed he was tired, most likely from fixing the typhoon. 'I'll just wait until we get off the plane.' I turned to look out the window. Saiki had to help Takahashi with a stomach ache he had and really looked tired, but as soon as he closed his eyes he had gotten a premonition of the plane in the water and us having to board a safety boat. I felt bad because I couldn't help him in this situation since he seemed really tired. He thought to himself trying to figure out a solution to this crisis. He got up to go to the bathroom and I'm guessing he found a way. The plane started losing altitude causing terrible turbulence. I gripped the arm rests again as my anxiety skyrocketed. After a moment the plane regained its altitude and everything was normal. I loosened my grip and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. We finally arrived in Okinawa. I walked off the plane, then helped Kaido carry Saiki to the bus.

I sat next to Nendo on the bus, in front of Saiki and Kaido. I looked out the window to the ocean as Nendo bothered both Saiki and Kaido. I got up and turned to face the other boys, "Oh yeah. I brought along my camera so expect me to take random pictures. If you're not okay with it, let me know, so I don't make you uncomfortable." They all agreed that it was fine, I'll ask the girls once we get off the bus. I sat back in my seat properly and continued to look out to the ocean. Kaido kept speaking Okinawan dialect, but once Teruhashi commented on it he kept going overboard with it. After a while we finally made it to some place to eat lunch. We all got soba, it looked really good. What was a bother during our meal was the fact that Kaido kept pushing the Okinawan dialect. When we finished our food we had some extra time we needed to kill before having to be on the bus again.

"Let's check out some souvenir shops to kill some time." Mera said to the whole group. Kaido noticed this deathmatch thing and wanted to go watch it. The girls were scared and I wasn't interested in it. Nendo seemed to be interested in the deathmatch too and went with Kaido. Saiki didn't seem interested in it either, "Hey, Saiki." He turned and faced me.

"The girls seem to be occupied with Mera and I want to find some souvenirs. Do you wanna come with?" I asked, expecting a 'no'. He nodded in response. 'Going with (m/n) would likely be better than going with the opposing.' I looked around for a shop that seemed appealing, "That one looks like it would have some cool things, wanna check it out?" He nodded again in response, guess he doesn't want socialization. We started walking side by side to the shop in an awkward silence. We made our way into the store, and I saw some jewelry. I walked up to the small stand and looked at the options in front of me. None grabbed my attention until I saw a matching set, they were small little silver rings and each had a tiny diamond and half of a tiny heart. I grabbed the ring set and started to look around for anything else I could buy with the rings. Against the wall there were some sweets and I was kind of in the mood for it. I walked over and saw that they had coffee jelly and some cakes. I grabbed two packs of coffee jelly and two cakes that were different flavors. I was walking to the counter when I noticed a cute little bear plush. I grabbed it and finally walked to the counter.

"Will this be all for you?" The pretty cashier lady asked. I nodded and smiled at her. She quickly started ringing the things I had and placed them in the bag with a couple spoons for the treats. "Your total will be 1268.16 yen." She smiled, looking up at me from the register. I pulled out my wallet and handed her the appropriate amount of cash and change. She softly grabbed the money from my hand and pushed the bag closer to me.

"Thank you!" I said, walking up to the doorway. I stopped to look around and noticed Saiki now walking up to me with a bag in one of his hands.

We finally got called back to the buses.

"Saiki, I bought us some cake and coffee jelly while we were in that shop. Which do you want now?" I looked up from the bag and saw that he was looking at me like I was some kind of god or something.

"They had cake and coffee jelly?!" He asked, as his mouth was slightly open. I nodded in response. "What flavor of cake did you get?"

"I got a strawberry cream cake and a (f/cake). Which sounds more appealing to you?" I read out the cake flavors, kinda hoping Saiki wouldn't take the (f/cake). He softly took the strawberry cream cake from the bag that was resting on my lap. I grabbed the other cake and two of the spoons the pretty cashier put into the bag and handed one to Saiki. I placed the bag next to our feet, opened the package of the cake and started eating away.

After some time, we finished our cake and made it to the hotel. The whole class was sitting on the floor listening to the rules and instructions from Hairo.

"Dinner is at six o'clock. Come to the dining hall on the first floor. Each class has twenty minutes to take a bath. After that is free time, but you are not to leave the hotel grounds." Hairo read the rules and instructions for the paper in his hand. We made our way up to our rooms. I didn't get put in the room with the girls which was sort of a relief, I do not want to have to talk about crushes and whatnot.

"Hey! We can see the sea from here!" Nendo said, as soon as we opened the door to our room.

"Huh, wow. This room isn't so bad!" Kaido said, stepping into the room.

"Hey. Don't stand there blocking the entrance way." Takahashi said from behind us, "First Teruhashi ditches our group, then we get stuck in a room with you losers. We're putting our stuff here." He said pushing past Saiki and Nendo, placing bags of stuff that looked similar to the bags that Kaido had.

-To be continued-

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