Sup Homies!!! Outsider.

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a/n: Holy macaroni! 1.13k reads??? I don't even know what to say other than thank you. It really means a lot to me that so many people like my story. It really helps with my motivation for writing, so thank you again! I love you guys <3 Also, I really apologize for the time between the chapters... I've had a lot in my life happen that I needed time to process. And honestly, I kind of forgot I was even writing this... I am so sorry for the people who were hoping for this story to continue. I think I'm back to updating this story, so no worries!

-ethan <3

I walked into class today and heard some people talking about a new transfer. It's only been a couple weeks since I first started here, how many transfers does this school get..? I went to my seat and pulled out my sketchbook. I doodled for a couple minutes until our teacher walked in and did the familiar introduction.

The new student walked in, he had this kind of aura about him that seemed threatening but was still sweet. He had short purple hair that was parted down the middle, he was also wearing glasses.

When the teacher told him to introduce himself, he wrote out his name on the board. 'Aren Kuboyasu was here!!' was read out by some random student in the class. The boy realized his mistake and quickly erased the 'was here!!' he had written.

"Sorry, old habit! Forget I just did that!" He said, still having the board eraser in his hand. The students in class were as sweet as ever having a new student and started welcoming him to the school.

"Oh cool. 'Sup homies?" Kuboyasu said, kind of dragging out the last half of homies and making some kind of face. I laughed to myself, he seems like he'd be pretty cool to hang around.

"The new kid seems like a pretty interesting guy, huh?" Kaido said to Saiki while he was standing close to his chair. I nodded to myself in agreement. I took time to take in his features. On the outside he seems like a normal kid, but his mind is telling me other things.

He went on this rant in his head about him being a former punk and wanting to straighten out his life. It's nice that he wants to set himself straight, being a punk probably isn't the best for someone who's only sixteen. I'll have to watch what I say around him, people don't change overnight and I don't wanna be squashed to a pulp.

I get up from my seat to go to the bathroom. After I'm done, I see Kuboyasu walk in. I wash my hands and turn to him. He was just standing there, so I used this time to introduce myself to him.

"Hi. I'm (m/n). We're in the same class and I thought you'd be someone who'd make a good friend." I finished my introduction while drying my hands on a paper towel.

"Aren Kuboyasu, as you probably already know since you said we're in the same class. You can call me Aren, if you want. I could use some friends." I smiled at his response and walked over to the door.

"If you need anything, I'm here. I was once the new kid too." I said as I walked out and back to the classroom. I noticed Saiki coming towards the door. He wanted to see how the new student is around other people in this school. I decided to tag along because I had nothing better to do. We watched Aren as he made his way back to the classroom. He had some mishaps along the way but realized it's not what "goodie-goodies" do. Some random student in our class was staring at him a little too long and Aren took it upon himself to mean mug the kid, but shortly after he apologized. He picked up pace a little and Takahashi brushed shoulders with the former punk. Aren turned around and had a fire extinguisher in hand. Where did he get that..? After a second he realized what he was doing again and turned around and picked up pace a little more.

'I can't do anything! It's like I'm tied to a leash!' Aren mentally shouted.

"He feels that way because he was running wild." Saiki said to me as we followed him down the hallway a little more.

"Yeah, but at least he wants to change his ways." I said quietly as we continued to watch him walk back to class. Nendo stopped him and Aren turned around, looking up at Nendo.

"What's with all the punctuation?" Saiki asked, seeing an exclamation and a question mark near Nendo's head. I shrugged, wondering the same thing.

'Huh? Who the hell is this guy? He looks like a punk. A real tough one at that.' Aren thought as Nendo was stretching his arm. Aren took off his glasses and started to take off his jacket. 'Alright, guess I have some time to kill.'

Realizing what he was doing, Aren zipped up the uniform jacket and put his glasses back on, "No way, I ain't throwing down with you homes." His voice sounded like a punk. Nendo, being the idiot he is, basically egging him on. Veins started showing on Aren's face until Nendo started talking.

"I guess it's only natural you'd backdown. I mean, I may not look it, but I'm a punk." He was looking at a random spot in the hallway.

'Well if you looked like that and weren't a punk, you'd have to be some kind of an idiot.' Aren though, staring at Nendo.

"That's exactly what he is." Saiki said telepathically to me. I stifled a laugh at this whole thing. Nendo went on to say his own "war stories" which weren't war stories at all.

"Hang in there kiddo." Nendo placed his hand on Aren's shoulder, giving him a thumbs up and a wink. This caused Arens face to fill with irritation and walk away.

"I'm impressed he didn't start a fight with Nendo." Saiki said standing near a little corner in the wall.

"Yeah, he's doing pretty okay so far." I said, watching Aren stop and turn to see someone bullying another kid. The bully told Aren to get lost, Aren just walked past them, grabbed a locker and threw it at the bully. "I take back what I just said."

He cornered the other student, saying not to talk about what had just happened.

"Like I said, people don't change overnight." Saiki said, looking at Aren. I nodded, agreeing with his words. "Well, I guess we can overlook what just happened." Saiki stood near the corner as I slightly leaned forward to look as well.

"That's probably for the best..." I nervously chuckled, sweatdropping at the scene in front of me.

a/n: I won't say that I haven't been writing up ideas for other stories that I could potentially publish if you guys ever wish to. Let me know if you'd be interested to have some snippets of some of them. I could make a chapter in this book here, or make another where you guys could vote? It's all up to you guys! As always, I love you all. <3

-ethan <3

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