Okinawa School Trip pt. 2c

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a/n: Sorry for the long wait for this chapter. I had a vacation and started a new job recently that has me on a busy schedule. This one is a short one and I didn't realize how much of it I had left, but please keep reading! It makes me so happy to see how many of you are reading and that are voting! Thank you, love ya!

It was now our last day in Okinawa and we were spending half of it in an outdoor shopping center.

"Hard to believe that this trip is almost over, buddy. It felt like we were here just a few days!" Nendo said with his hands behind his head.

"That's because we were only here just a few days." Kaido responded with an irritated monotone voice. Felt like five chapters to me...

'It felt like a few weeks to me.' I looked over to Saiki and noticed his irritated state. Kaido yawned which caused him and Nendo to go back and forth with how terrible their nights were. I feel bad for myself, I had to deal with both their snoring and sleep talking. I was tired of their bickering so I decided to walk into the first interesting store that was nearby.

Since it's our last day here, I was thinking of getting something better than a ring to remember it by. I looked around the store. It had hoodies and t-shirts along the far wall. I walked over to them and started looking at some of the designs.

After a couple minutes of looking at my options, I saw one that was (f/c). It was a simple design but was different from the other options. I took it off the hook it was on and looked around the store. I stopped when I noticed a box of tiny crocheted animals. I looked through the pile and found one of my favorite animal. I grabbed it and made my way to the front to pay.

Once I was done paying, I walked out of the shop and made my way to Kaido and Nendo. They were being hassled by some shop owners that were trying to get them to buy some of their merchandise. Kaido ended up buying a lot of jewelry and Nendo almost walked away without paying the guy.

We found ourselves with the girls and made the plan to go to a coffee shop that was nearby. The shop had some kind of dessert that everyone was interested in, but they only sold a few a day. Saiki split from the group a while ago, I guess trying to get to this place and have the same dessert we just ordered. The door opened as our waitress started placing each of the desserts in front of my friends. I found out they only sold five of them a day. So, I opted out and got something similar to my (f/dessert). I looked up and saw that it was Saiki who had opened the door. I felt bad knowing he didn't get what he came here for. When he sat with us at the table, Nendo stood up asking our waitress for an extra bowl.

They placed the bowl in front of Saiki, each of the people who had the red bean anmitsu started taking portions of theirs and put it into Saiki's bowl. By the time everyone was done shoving scoops of their dessert into Saiki's bowl, his portion was a lot bigger than everyone else's.

I stole a small spoonful of Kaido's when he wasn't looking and was content with that. It was pretty good, more than I thought it would've been.

We all did a 'cheers' with our own spoonfuls. I looked at each of my friends' faces, seeing their smiles. What brought a smile to my own was seeing Saiki's, 'This isn't bad at all.' 

-To be continued-

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