A Transfer Student - First Encounters

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a/n: Since I have been away for a really long time, I decided to be generous and post another chapter! I'm actually working on the next chapter as well. I've been writing a lot lately and honestly, I'm surprised I haven't burnt out yet... But I can't jinx myself since I just came back for all you lovelies. Anygay- I hope you all enjoy. Once again, I love you all. <3

-ethan <3

A week had passed since the new student, Aren Kuboyasu, had joined the class. It was break time in class, I sat at my desk just doodling away on a random page in my notebook. I was heavily zoned out before I heard a chair being pushed, bringing me back to reality. I looked up from the random scribbles on the lined paper to see Aren standing at his desk. 'Hey, Saiki.' I addressed the male in my mind, allowing my voice to be slightly louder than the rest of the students who were mingling.

"What do you need, (m/n)?" Saiki responded telepathically, continuing to look over his note that he took during class.

'How much do you want to bet that the new kids goes up to talk to you first since you're alone?' A soft smirk lined my lips as we converse telepathically. Saiki was unresponsive for a moment, thinking about what he could be okay with gaining or losing.

"We could go to that one cafe I go to often, if you win, I'll pay. But if you lose, you'll pay for everything I order." I slightly smirked more at his response, 'Deal. But I think the winner has already been declared.' Saiki had a dreadful look on his face as he felt Aren's hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, I'm Kuboyasu." Aren said in a polite tone, his face matching the way he spoke to the psychic male. "Wanna throw down, you bastard?" Was what Saiki wanted to respond with, but kept quiet. I quietly snickered to myself, clasping a hand over my mouth when I heard him.

It was already the end of the break as the bell rang softly throughout the halls and Aren was still talking Saiki's ear off about some movie he had watched. Of course, it was a yakuza movie that didn't ever seem to be popular. Around the middle of the break, I had gone out of the classroom to one of the vending machines. I bought two cartons of strawberry milk. One for myself, and one for Saiki since I felt bad about Aren taking up his break time.

I walked back into the classroom, seeing that Aren was still chatting the coffee jelly loving guy's ear off. I lightly cringed at the former punk's explanation of the movie as I walked past Saiki's desk. Placing the carton of strawberry milk in front of him, looking at him with a small smile as I sipped my own milk. Taking note of the tiny smile that just barely lifted the corners of his lips, taking that as my exit cue.

Aren noticed my presence for a moment, and offered a small wave to which I returned. Smiling at the former punk before taking a seat at my desk, dreading the next few hours. Aren went back to explaining the movie to Saiki, Saiki's displeasure coming back. The pinkette decided to flash an annoyed face at Aren which quickly shut him up, Aren's usual punctuation popping up.

"W-well then, later." Aren stuttered out as he turned to leave Saiki alone. His face twisted in annoyance as he thought, 'To think that goody gave me such an annoyed look...!' I mean, it would be a given with the way he was talking about the movie, bringing up so many different guys that the story was hard to follow. 'But I did learn something from this. I have nothing in common with them!' Aren thought to himself as he sat back at his desk.

"Hey, newbie. My name is the Jet Black Wings." The sweet but delusional Kaido said, introducing himself to the new student. The chihuahua energy shining through as he yapped about his delusional heroism. Aren utterly confused until Kaido mentioned some 'Grand Cross', thinking of an old biker gang that disbanded. They seemed to bond over the same name but completely different topics, it was cute to watch... funny too.

Outside the classroom, Aren experiences the special ones in our class. Starting with Toritsuka being his perverted self, Teruhashi getting his to be flustered over her looks, and lastly Hairo shouting as he did sit ups. The guy started a promise to himself to stay away from the weirdos of the class before turning his head to hear that Hairo was, in fact, popular. His mouth agape as he listened to Hairo's offer to do sit up with him. The students around Hairo seemed to brush off Aren as non-athletic, Hairo quickly defending Aren. Aren seemed to think that Hairo was similar to his former gang leader and decided to introduce himself officially to Hairo.

"By the way, why were you doing sit-ups out here in the hallway?" Aren asked as Him and Hairo shook hands.

Hairo had this bright, inspired look on his face as he responded to Aren's question. "There's this really incredible guy I want to defeat." Aren seemed to be excited to meet the guy that Hairo acknowledges, until he saw that it was Nendo.

I was sitting at an open desk next to Saiki, the two of us sitting in somewhat silence. We were talking about the cafe since I had never been. It was peaceful until Nendo called out for Saiki, his buddy. I chuckled lightly to myself when Aren realized that Saiki was the buddy Nendo was talking about. Kaido came around talking about his usual things, Toritsuka coming from his class to bother Saiki as well, Teruhashi coming to say hi to the both of us, Hairo speaking his hellos too. Sometimes I forget that these few are, for some reason, fully infatuated with the poor guy. I quietly laughed to myself as I saw Saiki's annoyed face as the group surrounded him.

"I'm never using my annoyed face ever again." Saiki grumbled to me, which made me laugh more. "I'm going to need copious amounts of cake and coffee jelly later..." The pinkette mentally sighed.

a/n: The next chapter is going to be a special. Can you guess what it'll be? I hope you enjoyed this chapter, lovlies! Love ya. <3

-ethan <3

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