Okinawa School Trip pt. 2a

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When we woke up the hotel was missing. I'm guessing somewhere in or on the ocean.

"What's going on, Saiki? What happened to all the people inside? Are they dead?" Toritsuka shouted while looking at Saiki and pointing to the spot where the hotel was supposed to be.

"Shut up! I have to concentrate on bringing back the hotel exactly how it was." Saiki started to sweat about the situation, "Looks like it came off the foundation in one piece, so everyone should be alive. If I had used psychokinesis they'd all be dead. Must've just teleported it somewhere else."

Toritsuka crouched down looking into the hole, "Hey, Saiki! I think I see something down there." He quickly got up and took Saiki's side, "How can you be sure that everyone is still alive?"

"Well, I'm pretty sure. I mean, in all likelihood, they're fine. Look, there's nothing there." Saiki bent his finger and up came some old skeletons. Toritsuka started shouting with a really ugly look on his face.

"They are dead! You killed them, you jerk. And not just the dumb guys, but all the hotties too." Toritsuka shouted while gripping the collar of Saiki's shirt.

"Toritsuka. Calm down, those bodies are way too decomposed to be our classmates." I said, trying to get him to not be so annoying. Saiki bent his finger again and brought up an old ship. Which probably means that he switched the two things somehow.

"An old shipwreck. If it's here then, it must contain treasure of equal value to the hotel. Which means they were teleported so, that means the hotel is.. At sea."

Saiki put his hand out and almost instantly the hotel was back in one piece. The lights turned on in the rooms just like before.

"Holy crap! It came back instantaneously. So, everything's fixed now, right?" Toritsuka asked.

"Not quite." Saiki put out his hand, Toritsuka looked at him with a confused look. "Give me back the antenna you pulled out." Saiki then pointed to the area where his antenna would usually be sitting.

"What? Oh, your little barrette-thingy is gone? I didn't notice." Toritsuka said, just before Saiki got in his face. They went back and forth about it so I kinda just zoned out, not listening to them until I heard the blame turn to me.

"Why don't you ask (m/n) over there? He was with you the whole time." The purple haired perv said, pointing to me and my zoned out state.

I quickly snapped out of it and looked at the two.

"Do you really think I'd take out Saiki's antenna? I mean what could I possibly gain from doing that, Toritsuka?" I looked at him with a 'are you kidding me look'.

"(m/n)'s right. Plus he was asleep the whole time. Now that I'm listening, I think I know who took it." Saiki said with a slight surprised look adorned his face. Saiki crossed his eyes, monologuing in his head about trying to find Teruhashi. He made a weird relieved face but it quickly switched to a worried one. I took a peek into his head to see what he saw and noticed that there was a bear looming over her while she was on the ground. Well, that's not good. Saiki grabbed my wrist and teleported us to where Teruhashi was. I looked around and saw that we were in a dark forest. I turned back around to see Saiki with his pinky out and the bear probably going into orbit.

"Saiki? (m/n)?" Teruhashi whined. Oh boy.. How are we going to explain this? 'Just follow my lead. I'm going to make her think she's lucid dreaming.' Saiki thought. I nodded in his direction and sat down next to Teruhashi. Saiki did the same and sat on the opposite side of the girl. She linked arms with the both of us. Hearing the voice in her head made it clear she has a major crush on Saiki.

The pinkette sat there, thinking up some way to get Teruhashi to sleep and get his control device back. I was going to ask if he had come up with anything yet until Teruhashi turned her attention from Saiki to me.

'Now that I think about it.. If I'm dreaming, why would (m/n) be here..? Do I have a crush on him too?' Oh dear. I started messing with my hands listening to her develop a fantasy about both Saiki and I saying 'oh wow' to her. To be completely clear, I don't have any feelings for her. I mean, we barely even make conversation and secondly, I'm gay. 

'It's twice now that I've heard her make herself believe she has a crush on someone.' Saiki thought, giving me a knowing look.

'I feel really bad knowing this and not feeling anything towards her.' I thought, communicating back to Saiki. He looked at me, basically saying to go on.

'I'm more than just one letter in the Lgbtq plus community. I'm also gay. So, even if she ever did confess her "feelings" for me, I can never reciprocate them.' He nods in understanding. 'I'm glad you can trust me with this kind of information.' A small smile decorated his face.

'I'm just happy you didn't kill me when I told you that I knew your secret.' I chuckled to myself thinking back on our moment on the beach.

'It's nice having someone who I can relate to wi-' Saiki was interrupted by Teruhashi complaining about the location of her "dream".

"This is weird and I don't like it anymore." She said, gathering her surroundings a little more. Honestly, we didn't like it from the beginning.

"Wait! I could just use the power of my lucid dreaming to pick a new spot for us! All right, get ready for a fairy tale castle, and go!" She spoke quickly, that her words seemed to form one long sentence. She opened her eyes seeing that she was in the same creepy forest. She thought out loud about not lucid dreaming and quickly Saiki teleported us to a fancy mansion looking place.

"Wow! This is amazing!" Teruhashi said before nitpicking the place. "The interior isn't quite as pretty as I had imagined... But, this'll do for now."

'Don't be so picky. It's the best I could do on short notice.' Teruhashi still had her grip on our hands. I was getting tired again, so I started tuning out what was going on around me.

"Now, kneel down and both of you say 'Oh wow'." Teruhashi cupped her hand over one of our cheeks looking between the two of us.

"Oh wow." Toritsuka said, he was made to be seen as Saiki in Teruhashi's mind. Thankfully she was content with that and suddenly fell asleep letting go of the control piece that was in her right hand. She landed in Toritsuka's arm as he was talking about being in the girls' room. Saiki grabbed his control piece from the floor and placed it in the correct spot in his head and we started walking away.

"Uh, Saiki?" He stopped in his tracks, "You wanna avoid saying 'oh wow' that badly?"

"Yes." He answered quickly.

Saiki quietly teleported the both of us into our room, then teleported himself into his own room back at his house I'm guessing. As soon as my head hit the pillow, I was out.

I woke up still tired from last night's adventure. Everyone made their way to the dining hall to get some food in our system. Kaido was asking about where we went last night, but I was too hungry and tired to respond.

After we all ate, our group made our way outside where some buses were waiting for everyone to board.

"All right! Finish up your breakfast and get on the bus!" Mr. Matuzaki shouted at the student.

"We're going to the pineapple farm and then to the aquarium, right?" Teruhashi asked Chiyo, who was standing next to her.

"Oh wait. Is that all we're doing today?" I butted into the conversation. Chiyo shook her head and responded, "Those are just the warm-up activities. We're going to the beach afterwards." She smirked, 'for a whole month, I've dedicated my life for this very moment! To get bikini ready, I haven't eaten any sweets and I've worked out every single day to lose weight!' So, it's common that everyone monologues in their head now that I'm realizing it. But damn, I've gotta wear my binder to the beach. That's going to leave an amazing tan mark.

-To be continued-

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