Okinawa School Trip pt. 2b

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a/n: saiki will be a bit out of character in this book because i want to have some cute moments to make you either cringe or smile. i hope you understand. - ethan <3

Day two of being in Okinawa was a little bit better than our first day. The group and I were chilling at the pineapple farm. Nendo went on about how he thought pineapples were shaped like donuts. With the girls, Mera kept trying to eat all of the free samples of the fresh fruit. Chiyo being the one attempting to pull her away from them. I sweatdropped looking at the two girls.

We left the pineapple farm and made our way to the aquarium. Again, everyone was being their weird selves. Nendo was talking about the fish and their capture points like it was a video game. Kaido went on about being surrounded by darkness with a small school of fish. People noticed that another school of fish surrounded Teruhashi.

And finally, we made our way to the beach. I'm not gonna lie, I was kind of dreading going to the beach. We all stood waiting for the girls to come out, which they made it seem like it was some kind of show. Teruhashi walked out first and the group of boys surrounding the entrance to the changing area reacted to her just as she thought.Chiyo was the second one to come out of the changing area, she didn't get the reaction she thought she would get. Lastly, Mera came out and got a better reaction than Chiyo but not quite one like Teruhashi.

I noticed Saiki walking ahead of everyone else and decided to join. I quietly caught up with him and set up my little area next to the rest of their stuff.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to have your binder on for today?" There was a lace of concern in Saiki's tone. I only nodded in response. 'He's right. I need to change out of it. I've already been in it for too long and this heat isn't helping.' I grabbed my bag and walked towards the gender neutral changing area. As soon as I made it inside, I changed into the spare two piece I had and looked for my cover shirt. With my luck, I couldn't find it. I think back on where I would've left it and realized it was with my other stuff.

I grabbed my bag and walked towards the entrance to the changing area. I stepped out and saw my shirt sitting on my towel. I took a deep breath and walked to my towel, my eyes on the ground avoiding possible eye contact with anyone. The thoughts of people flooded my head about my body.

'I never knew he had a body like that.'

'Wait... That's (m/n)?'

'Look at those curves.'

Some were much worse than that. But, I was used to what people say about me. I didn't want this whole thing to ruin my trip, but I will admit it did put a small damper on my mood.

I got to my little set up and put on my button up shirt and left it open. I walked out to where the water was meeting the sand. I was a little cold, but felt good against the heat of the day. I kept walking until the water hit mid-thigh area. I took this moment to take it all in. The beauty of the sea, the birds flying in the distance, and classmates splashing in the water. That was until I got splashed myself. I looked over in the direction of where the water came from and saw Saiki standing there, a small smirk played on his face. I stood there not knowing if he wanted to have a water fight or to say something.

"Oh, thanks. You got my shirt wet." I said, "If you wanted to have a water fight, you could've brought the water guns from my bag."

"I did." He brought up his hand showing two water guns from the pack I bought. He tossed one to me as he started to fill his with water. I undid the cap and started to fill it with water. After about thirty seconds mine was full. Before I could even place the cap back on, Saiki started squirting me with his water. I looked up at him with disbelief written all over my face. I quickly screwed the cap back on and sprayed him back, laughing the whole time.

We went back and forth until our water guns were empty. We walked back to our towels under the umbrella. I noticed Kaido blushing away from Chiyo and decided to see what that was about. I grabbed my towel and made my way over to them. As soon as I walked up Teruhashi Joined in asking Kaido if he saw a ball roll anywhere near.

"Oh. Teruhashi, I think I saw it going that way when I was walking over here." I said, pointing in the direction of where I saw a beach ball. In my head, I heard Chiyo complain about the difference of reactions between her and Teruhashi.

"Thank you, (m/n)! And by the way, I don't mean this in any offensive way, but you look really good in that swimsuit!" Teruhashi said, but before she could walk away to get her ball some guys interrupted her.

"Dude! Those girls over there are cute!" One of the two guys said.

"Hey, you two! The ones in blue and the other in (f/c)!" The other guy said once they were closer. Damn, I'm wearing (f/c).

"If you two come with us, we'll buy you a shaved ice." I had a disgusted look on my face.

"No, thanks. We're not interested. Plus we're minors and are on a school trip. So, please leave before I get a teacher." I said, stepping in front of Teruhashi, kind of covering her. Teruhashi didn't say anything out loud but was going on about how perfect she is and how these guys aren't even close to her league. The two guys kept pushing the idea of us getting shaved ice with them and completely ignored what I said earlier. Each one of them grabbed our wrists and tried to drag us along until Kaido stepped in. He quickly got belittled by the pervy guys. I was about to say something when Chiyo butted in. She said the same things I said to the beach pervs, but in return she got humiliated by them and that made my blood boil.

Kaido threw a quick punch to one of the guys. I was surprised he had the sudden confidence to even do that.

"Take that back! Apologize to Chiyo!" The meek boy shouted. I was over the whole thing so, I turned to walk away and saw Saiki standing in the background watching all of that go down. I walked towards the pinkette and noticed he started doing a pinching motion. I turned to see the beach pervs yelping in pain. I laughed as I watched them run away in pain. I nodded a thank you in Saiki's direction. I walked over to Kaido, "Thank you, Kaido. They really wouldn't listen to me when I told them no." He whispered a small 'no problem. I'm just glad you're okay.' while avoiding eye contact. I chuckled and walked away. 

-To be continued-

another a/n: please read this one! i was wondering if you guys wanted to have a full beach chapter that include moments with some of the characters.It'll be different from the main story, of course. if you do please comment who you mainly want to see a moment with and i'll do my best to come up with something worth reading! I hope you are enjoying the story so far! if not, please say in the comments what you would like changed or done differently. thank you for reading!

-ethan <3

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