Special Chapter.

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Cafe Special - Sweets Are A Coping Mechanism.

a/n: I hope this chapter find you well and brings a smile on your face. This chapter continues of from the previous one, with the bet (m/n) offered Saiki about who gets to pay. As always, enjoy and I love you. <3

-ethan <3

Saiki and I stood outside the cafe, a drained expression on my face whereas he had his usual monotonous expression. I sighed heavily before walking into the cafe after Saiki. I took a long inhale, enjoying the aroma of coffee and cakes as it filled my lungs.

"Now I see why you enjoy this place so much. It's very quiet and cozy, did I mention that it's quiet?" I spoke softly so as to not disturb the silent atmosphere of the cafe. Saiki nodded his head in agreement to my words. The tiniest of smiles on his face as he led the two of us to a table, soon being greeted by a server. Both of us ordered what we normally did. Though, with this being my first time at this cafe, it took me a little longer to order.

I rested my head in the palm of my hand, looking out the window as Saiki and I waited for our orders. A soft sigh parting from my lips as I watched people pass by outside the cafe. Most of them seemed to be carefree, not giving the slightest attention as they continued on. A little bit of an envious expression filled my features as I slightly puffed out my cheeks with another sigh. 'If only it were that way for me too...' I thought to myself before letting those thoughts leave my mind.

Saiki seemed to hear my thought loud and clear as he looked at me for a moment before his gaze followed mine. The boy stayed quiet as we both watched the people pass by. The silence between us didn't seem to grow uncomfortable in the slightest, only staying comfortable; somewhat needed. But of course, something always has to come in and change that.

"Here you two gentlemen go. Enjoy." The energy of our server seemed to be quite different from ours. More bubbly and even more carefree than those outside the cafe. I looked over at the person, offering a polite smile before they walked away. The drink and treats that sat on the table in front of me caused saliva to fill my mouth. As I grabbed my silverware, I looked up at Saiki. Seeing that soft smile on his own face as he looked down at his own treats that were laid out in front of him. A light chuckle shook my shoulders a bit as I took note of his smile.

The two of us continued to sit in that comfortable silence we both enjoyed as we ate the desserts and sweet drinks. There were small conversations here and there when we felt the need to fill that silence. Once the two of us were finished, Saiki went up to the front to pay since he had lost the bet earlier in the day.

I got up from the booth, following him along as he began walking out of the cafe. Silence filled the air between us again before I brought my arms up and stretched them behind my head. I sighed heavily as I brought my hands back to my sides. "Now I really see why you like that cafe so much. Both their drinks and food were really good, but I don't think sweets are any kind of coping mechanisms as you make them seem to be."

Saiki turned his head in my direction so quickly I thought he would get whiplash for a moment. "Sweets are coping mechanisms, (m/n)." I softly laughed at his reaction, a wide grin on my face that reached my eyes.

"Sure, sure... Whatever you say, Saiki." I lightly chuckled through my nose, shaking my head a bit as the silence overcame us again. A soft, content sigh left my lips as they held a genuine smile. "Well, we all need some kind of coping mechanism to deal with the people in our class... They were all over you more than usual today."

"They've always been like that. I hope one day they get the memo and leave me alone." Saiki looked down at the ground as he 'spoke'. The smile on my face faltered as I looked at him before it came back twice as big as before.

"You don't mean that at all. Do you, Saiki?" I let out a soft hum like chuckle, "I can hear the voice in your heart as clear as day. As much as you hate to admit it, you enjoy them being around." I turned my head to look ahead of me, watching as the sun slowly set in the distance. "I always see the slightest of smiles that you think no one notices. I'm a very observant individual, Saiki. I see the way you care for them, it's sweet."

I look over at Saiki to see that he's already looking at me. I offered him a soft smile and spoke again, "Now that, is the kind of sweetness I can truly enjoy."

a/n: I apologize for this chapter being short... I've kind of been in a mood lately. I hope Saiki isn't too out of character with this one but still, I want some cute moments. I hope you enjoyed this and I'll see you next chapter. I love you <3

-ethan <3

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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