Okinawa School Trip pt. 1c

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"Hey! We can see the sea from here!" Nendo said, as soon as we opened the door to our room.

"Huh, wow. This room isn't so bad!" Kaido said, stepping into the room.

"Hey. Don't stand there blocking the entrance way." Takahashi said from behind us, "First Teruhashi ditches our group, then we get stuck in a room with you losers. We're putting our stuff here." He said pushing past Saiki and Nendo, placing bags of stuff that looked similar to the bags that Kaido had.

We made our way to the dining hall and sat with the people in our groups. There were small conversations happening between the tables. I didn't engage in any until the girls brought up the things we were going to do tomorrow. Mera being the glutton she is, kept drooling at the talk of pineapple garden and the aquarium. Some people were up on stage doing a comedy act while some were still eating.

"I can't believe our first day here is almost over. Feels like the trip would be over in no time..!" Teruhashi said, seeming sad about the trip ending.

"Teruhashi.. We just got here. We still have a ton of stuff to do. Don't let the thought of leaving make your trip not enjoyable." I said, placing my utensils down on the table. A light dust of pink rose to Teruhashi's cheeks.

"(m/n)'s right! The trip has barely even begun!" Chiyo nodded, agreeing with my words. 

"You guys are right! Should we go take a bath now?" Teruhashi said, seeming like she was planning something. I stood up with them since I have the body of a girl, I will have to be in the women's bath.. Sometimes I really hate being born in the wrong body. I started walking with the girls when they both stopped.

"Are you going to be in the women's room or the men's?" Chiyo asked, looking at me.

"The girl's.. If you're not comfortable with me being there I can go ask the guys if they'd be okay with me. Don't worry, I don't want you guys to be uncomfortable!" I looked between the two, and seemed a bit iffy about the idea of me taking a bath with them. They looked at me a bit awkward, "Ah, I get it. I understand." I smiled and walked to the guys.

"Yo. Buddy (m/n), You're taking a bath too right?" Nendo asked once I reached the three of them.

"Only if you guys are comfortable with it. If you guys aren't, I'll talk with Hairo or Matuzaki about bathing after everyone."

"I'm confused. Why wouldn't we be comfortable taking a bath with you?" Kaido asked, looking at me.

"Oh, right. I haven't told you guys yet." I paused. They all looked at me waiting for me to go on. "I'm trans."

"Trans? What's that?" Nendo asked, being literally clueless.

"I'm a boy in a girl's body. I have to take hormones to transition to who I am." I explained. Kaido and Nendo still seem to be confused, so I took it as a sign to try bathing later.

"Don't take this the wrong way or anything, but you're a guy right?" Saiki asked, looking at me. I shook my head, "Not biologi- yeah." he nodded.

"Then I don't have a problem with you bathing with us. Also, do you think I could talk with you for a sec? Alone." Saiki noticed the other two were still standing with us. They took the hint and started walking ahead.

"What's up?" I asked as I walked at a slow pace towards the changing rooms.

"So, I know ftm trans people wear binders and stuff. But, wouldn't it be uncomfortable to wear it in the bath?" He asked, walking alongside me and matching my pace.

"Yeah, we use either a binder or binding safe tape. I have the tape on right now and it's good to wear for like a week and is comfortable to bathe with. I'm on my last day of wearing this round of tape so I brought my binder for the rest of the trip." I informed him, he nodded in understanding.

"Alright, good. I don't want the guys to make you uncomfortable with their stupidity." He said, as we made it to the changing room. It's nice to know that he cares. We walked into the room and the other guys. They seemed to be in a single area so, I walked to an area I wouldn't be seen. I unclothed myself and quickly wrapped the towel securely around my waist. I peeked my head out to see the guys still there and took that as my chance to get in the water fast.

After a couple minutes, the rest of the guys joined me in the water. Saiki and Kaido were on either side of me.

"This is the main event of the trip." Takahashi said, "Looking at girls!" Him and his buddies said at the same time. Boys are disgusting and are all the same. They kept going on about their plan as I zoned out until I heard the shout in disgust. Their peeking gear kept turning back and showing Nendo instead of Teruhashi.

'Peeking at girls isn't cool.' Saiki thought. Ah, so he does care for his friends.

"Saiki, don't you wanna take your glasses off?" Kaido asked, noticing the green lenses fogging up.

We're back in the hotel room and the pervs were in the corner after seeing Nendo naked. Saiki disappeared from where I thought he was standing. I walked out of the room as quiet as I could and made my way to the outside, grocery bag in hand.

I made it outside and saw a head of pink hair. I've been contemplating telling Saiki that I know he's a psychic because I'm one too. I walked up to him and noticed he was sleeping, so I gently tapped his shoulder. He opened one of his eyes and saw it was me, "What do you want, (m/n)?"

"I have the coffee jelly I bought earlier and figured you forgot about them so I went to look for you and found my way outside, to you." I lifted the bag I had with the coffee jelly and spoons. Saiki sat up quickly and had a bright look on his face. I chuckled to myself and sat in the beach chair next to his. I reached into the bag and brought out its contents, handed one of the packs of coffee jelly with a spoon to Saiki. We both sat there in silence, enjoying the coffee jelly.

"Hey, Saiki..? Can I tell you something?" I asked, finishing the last spoon full of the coffee jelly I had. He looked at me, "I'm uh, psychic. I can read minds." He looked at me a bit wide-eyed. "I can even read yours too." I continued. His eyes widened a little more.

"So, that means you know I'm psychic too?" He asked, hoping I'd say no. I nodded my head. "You won't be a problem for me right? I really don't want to have to eliminate you. You give me sweets, so I'd like to keep you around." He said in a joking manner, I hope.

"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me. Plus, if you consider us friends I'll take you out and give you sweets whenever you want." I said with a smile.

"You're officially my best friend now." I chuckled at him and his love for sweets.

"I can keep some candies in my bag if you want." I said, he nodded in response. I started feeling sleepy, so I sat back in the beach chair and stared out into the ocean. At some point I must have drifted off because I woke up to the sound of someone shouting.

"Saiki! Wake up! There's a huge problem!" Toritsuka shouted, trying to wake the sleeping pinkette. I sat up in the beach chair and looked over at the two.

"You're missing your control piece, Saiki." I said, concern laced in my voice.

"There's something bigger than a hair clip missing." Toritsuka said with sass. "Saiki, you need to wake up!"

"Stop yelling in my ear. What time is it? We have to return to the hotel." Saiki said, sitting up in his beach chair.

"You mean return the hotel!" Toritsuka shouted, pointing to the area where the hotel was supposed to be.

"Saiki.. The hotel is literally gone." I said, standing up and pointing to the huge hole the hotel left. We walked to the hole and looked down when Saiki said, "Oops.. I had an accident."

-To be continued-

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