Smartie kid (new team members)

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No one's POV:

Sandy: "Are we sure we're going the right way?" He questioned as he checked the mirror and saw a storm, then moved it to where he saw everyone sweating and panting because they are in the desert and it was really hot.

Tang: "Not a clue. All Monkey King said to do was head west, so-" He was cut off when Mei took the map from him.

Mei: "How did anyone ever get anywhere using these!?" She complained as she looked at the map.

Monkey King: " Yo, blue thing. Wanna crank up that A.C., brother?" He said to Sandy while meditating.

Mei: "Uh, hey. Little help up front, Monkey King?" She asked while MK is lying on his back on the floor and exhausted due to how hot it is. Luckily, he's not wearing his old jacket and now wearing his new one, and the extraction scroll is safely in his bag, as well as the fire ring compass.

Monkey King then tilted his head back as he began snoring. Mei had an annoyed look on her face, which was then replaced with an angry smile as tick marks were shown on her head as she had her fist raised.

Mei: "Hey! I know you can hear me!" She shouted in annoyance while pointing at him.

Monkey King: "No, I can't." He said.

MK: *sigh* "It's no use, Mei. While Monkey King needs to recharge after his fight with Nezha, while using that mystic monkey meditation that requires complete focus, he can't help us until then. So technically, we're on our own until he's fully recharged." He said to Mei.

Pigsy: "Can't you do the same thing he's doing since you have half of your powers back?" He questioned.

MK: "As I said, it requires complete focus.
Besides, I'll be fine with just training to get the rest of my powers back. And about the meditation, he didn't exactly teach how to properly do it because he just immediately went to recharge." He said to the others, while Mei and Pigsy both had annoyed looks on their faces because Monkey King didn't help MK by not properly teaching him the meditation.

Sandy: "Come on, gang, don't be so gloomy. I'll roll down the window. A little fresh air never-" He was interrupted when his hair, face, and beard got sent on fire, because of the hot temperature outside. "Ah! It's so much worse!" He said as he quickly rolls the window back up, while Mo puts out the fire in Sandy's mohawk.

Pigsy: "Kid, you know there is more to ya than just your powers, right?" He said.

MK: "Exactly. Although I have half of my powers and still training to get back to full strength, I have decided that until I get my staff back, I'm not gonna always be the strong one since I can't just solve everything with just brute strength. Which is why I'm gonna be..." He paused while everyone had questioning looks on their faces. "The smart one." He announced while everyone had worried looks on their faces.

Pigsy: "What?" He questioned.

Tang: "Excuse me?" He questioned while pressing his glasses to his face.

Mei: "Oh, MK." She in defeat and worry.

MK's mind: "Okay, last time I was screwing up everything and had no idea what I was doing. But now, with the knowledge I have from last time, it won't happen again. I hope I don't have to use the fire ring compass on the map, or else it's gonna be difficult to explain and to keep it a secret. I better hope Monkey King won't hear anything about it if I do use it. Well, he probably won't, considering that he's probably sleeping now while meditating." He said in his head.

Tang: "Right. So how does this map work exactly? How does it know where to find the 3 rings of samadhi?" He questioned as MK made his way to where Tang is.

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