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The party at the Caelum Via was in full swing and the delegates from Niflheim hadn't even arrived yet.

Fireworks peppered the sky in an extravagant show that Tredd was spending more time watching than actually doing his job. The others were scattered intermittently around the party—Pelna was stationed at the top of the staircase while Luche was just across the pool from Tredd. Aaralyn herself was positioned near Nyx by the aquarium and she had to make a conscious effort to not look behind her at the fish twisting and turning in the clear water.

When the Imperials finally did arrive, Aldercapt made a great show of complementing the party, the city, and mentioning the signing tomorrow and the ceremony to accompany it. King Regis was amicable, but Aaralyn saw right through him. His smile was tense and he kept shifting on his feet, disguising his unease with knee pains. He wasn't any happier about the treaty than the Kingsglaive. If only most of the members could see that.

Gentle piano swelled over the assembled crowd with a soft violin to accompany it. Aaralyn listened to it for a moment, scanning the party for any particularly untrustworthy-looking Niffs that would sabotage it. So far so good, she thought, risking a glance out of the corner of her eye to look at Nyx. She'd intended to make sure he was still doing alright but, to her surprise, she realized Nyx was no longer standing alone. Lady Lunafreya was with him, engaged in a terse conversation with him. He reached into his pocket to pull something out—a golden hairpin encrusted with a diamond—and Aaralyn felt her heart skip a beat. Lunafreya awkwardly accepted the gift that had been meant for her all along, smiling at Nyx sadly. He must've told her about Crowe.

Aaralyn sighed. Part of her wanted to wander over as well, ask Nyx how he was holding up, but abandoning her post now with Drautos so near would have been a terrible idea. She wasn't too enthused by the idea of trying her luck with a reassignment that would have been even more boring than the Citadel. Instead, she satisfied herself with occasional glances Nyx's way and watched the partygoers, looking for concealed weapons or any other threats. Her every nerve was on edge with the enemy so close. If only the others—namely Tredd and, for some reason Luche—could share her diligence. She was surprised by Luche's negligence. He had his arms folded and was watching the fireworks with a surly expression. Normally he was the most anal about guard duty out of all of them.

"Hello there."

Aaralyn just about jumped out of her skin. Doing her best to hide her surprise, she craned her next to look to her left. Beside her stood Lunafreya, smiling delicately with the hairclip fastened firmly in her golden hair.

Aaralyn wasn't quite sure what she was supposed to feel looking upon Lunafreya. She knew from stories alone that the Oracle's benevolence and kindness were rivaled by none and the only pride she took in her work was being able to help the people she loved so much. She was only pleased about her own wedding on the merits that it would end a senseless war rather than for love. Aaralyn wondered if Lunafreya was in the same shoes as Noctis—a political marriage put on a pedestal of peace for show that she wasn't particularly interested in. And if that wasn't enough, well, Lunafreya's unintentional ties to Crowe's death made her hard to look at, especially with the hairpin in her hair. Aaralyn didn't know the details or if Crowe had even reached Tenebrae at all, but Lunafreya's presence complicated the situation in the city, especially if she was supposed to be in Altissia by now to meet up with Noctis.

The cold reminder of Crowe sent another cold bolt of grief right through Aarlayn's chest. She tried to ignore it.

So, struggling to think of anything to say, Aaralyn settled for a terse nod. "Hello, Your Highness."

"Pardon my intrusion," Lunafreya said. "I couldn't help but notice you while I was talking to your comrade over there. Nyx Ulric, correct?"

"That would be him," Aaralyn said, scanning the perimeter of the party again. Another firework exploded above their heads. Aldercapt was talking as loudly as he could about the majesty of Gralea and King Regis was trying very hard to appear politely interested. He was wearing a very strained smile. "I hope he didn't offend you at all," Aaralyn added quickly.

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