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The next morning found Aaralyn running on nothing but three hours of sleep and spite. Nyx looked similarly exhausted, but neither of them complained as they ate breakfast and broke camp to troop down to the Regalia. The seating arrangements were the same as they were on the ride over from the base, but Autumn was suspiciously quiet as she sat beside Prompto. Her expression was downcast and she supported the same heavy bags that Nyx and Aaralyn did.

Aaralyn really needed to talk to her. And soon. It was just hard to get her alone with this many people crammed in a car together.

On the car ride over, Aaralyn's phone began to buzz in her pocket. She fished it out at Nyx and Gladiolus's confused looks and Cassielle leaned over to look at the messages. Her mom had awoken to see the messages undoubtedly and Aaralyn was now getting bombarded with texts from her family and even a few calls.

Aaralyn couldn't hide her smile as she tried to respond to the influx of messages, promising at least seven times that she was alright to Charlotte and Jadith while her mother and Jadin demanded details that she didn't know how to give. Eventually, they agreed on meeting up in Lestallum upon finding out that Aaralyn was already on her way with her usual friends in tow.

"Do you want me to come with you?" Nyx asked softly as he read the messages over Aaralyn's shoulder. "To make it easier?"

Aaralyn took a moment before hesitantly shaking her head. "I got this. I think."

Nyx squeezed her arm and nodded, turning his attention back to the road.

When they finally arrived in Lestallum, it was just before noon. Everyone scrambled out of the cramped car, eager to stretch their legs after such a long drive. Those in the backseat were especially eager to get out—it was hard to get proper legroom with so many people stifling the backseat.

Lestallum was unsurprisingly busy—tourists, locals, and refugees alike were all clamoring around, either touring Lestallum's many sightseeing spots or looking around anxiously. Aaralyn bid farewell to her friends after promising to meet them at the Leville and made her way to the outlook. The people there were clamoring for a look at the Disc of Cauthess, where Titan was said to be upholding his meteor. Curiously, though, the Disc seemed to be in pieces, with nothing but the crystalline spires rising into the sky being the only indication that there had been a meteor at all. Aaralyn suspected that Noctis and the others had something to do with that and made a mental note to ask Cassielle about it later.

Aaralyn scanned the tourists but found neither hide nor hair of her family. So instead, she found an empty bench and sat down, staring out over the scenery. Her heart thudded anxiously against her ribcage. She laced her fingers to keep them from shaking. There was nothing to do but wait now—wait for just a little bit longer to wait to see her family and ascertain their wellbeing with her own eyes.


She'd apologize. Apologize for not being there when their world crashed down around them again. Her family deserved that, at least.


She looked up at the call of her name to see the group sprinting toward her from across the plaza. She saw the red hair—a trait shared among her family—and realized instantly who she was looking at.

"Mom," Aaralyn breathed. "Charlie, Jadin, Jadith-" she rose and took two half-steps before sprinting forward and crashing into her mother. Her arms flailed, grasping to hold onto any part of her mom that she could, squeezing as though she'd disappear the moment Aaralyn let go.

"Oh, Aaralyn," sobbed her mother, pressing a hand to the back of her head. "I'm so glad you're okay..."

Jadin, Jadith, and Charlotte joined the pile, hugging each other fiercely with Aaralyn smack in the middle. Aaralyn tightened her grip around her mother, throat tight and eyes burning for what felt like the thousandth time in the past two days.

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