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Cindy had impeccable timing. Cassielle and the others were trudging out of the depths of a cavern after a very long, very wet day that Ramuh had decided was a perfect day to test Noctis's mettle in the form of the world's longest thunderstorm. Without a car, the group was forced to traverse the land on Chocobo-back and after a bit, the rain made the birds' feathers slick and the saddles uncomfortable to sit on. Unfortunately, Ramuh had no pity on them and sent them practically all across Duscae, guided only by crackling lightning. He'd ended his trial in the depths of a dank, daemon-infested cave, and Cassielle, having seen her first imp, would be content to have never seen another one again.

But, luckily, the sky seemed to have cleared out the moment Noctis had gotten Ramuh's favor, only for said prince's phone to ring the moment they got service out of the cave again. Noctis fumbled for his phone, answering the call without looking at the caller (a habit both Ignis and Gladiolus frowned upon), and held the phone to his ear.

"Hello?" he paused, listening before his expression lit up. "Cindy! Hey, did you-" he paused again. "Yes, okay that's good to hear. Thanks." Another pause. "Got it. We'll start heading that way now. Bye, Cindy." Quickly, he hung up the phone to shove it back into his pants pocket.

"Did she find the Regalia?" Autumn asked immediately.

"Yeah," Noctis nodded. "It's at an Imperial base just north of here, on the way to Lestallum."

"Yes!" Cassielle pumped her fists. "Let's get going!"

"Agreed, the sooner we get Aaralyn and the car back, the better," Gladiolus nodded. He was the one to lead the short hike back to the Post. All of their sapped energy seemed to have returned tenfold at the good news. Cassielle knew hers sure was.

In all honesty, it hadn't taken Cindy long to find the car at all. Cassielle had been fearing it would take a lot longer, but it hadn't. Only a day and a half that Cindy had spent tirelessly looking for the Regalia and she'd likely called Noctis the moment the car had been found. And, if Ardyn was to be believed, they'd find Aaralyn there too.

We're almost there, Orange. Hang in there.

The Chocobos were still waiting by the trailer where the group had left them to head to the cave without them. Prompto was first to hoist himself up into the saddle of the brightest yellow one with a grunt.

"I can't wait to be sitting inside that beautiful car again," he said wistfully.

"Hopefully Aaralyn will be there, too," Noctis agreed, making himself comfortable on his own chocobo. Cassielle hooked her foot onto the stirrup of her own Chocobo's saddle and sat down. The feathers brushed her fingers as picked up the reins. They were still a little damp.

"Then let us not waste time," Ignis said. "We've a long way to go." With a clean flick of his wrist, the chocobo he was riding took off. The others followed his tracks, leaping over the small stone wall and onto the path leading down to the Alstor Slough.

The ride took up the rest of the day. Cassielle rode alongside the others, listening and occasionally joining in on the banter occasionally. Gladiolus was quick to challenge Noctis to a race and, upon their tie, spent a half-hour arguing about who'd won.

The landscape went by as they followed along the road. Rolling hills with flora and wildlife aplenty came and went as they rode north. Cassielle marveled at it. Duscae was so different from Insomnia and hell, even Galdin Quay and it was mesmerizing to see. She wondered why she hadn't bothered to come out here before, even on vacation. She loved looking around at the scenery. Her favorite part of the landscape quickly became the double arches that overshadowed the entirety of the Slough. As the sun began to decline, it caught the arches perfectly, spilling their magnificent shadows over the marsh. It took her breath away to see.

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