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why yes i am shamelessly shipping Nyx and Luna, how could you tell?


The tension in the room was thick.

Aaralyn stood somewhat behind Noctis with Nyx at her left as the prince stood at his full height in front of Camelia's smart mahogany desk. They were negotiating tersely—discussing not only Lunafreya's release (to either them or the Empire) but also the terms of the summoning of Leviathan and their plans to ensure the citizenry would not come to harm. Camelia kept throwing curveball after curveball at Noctis, but he held his own, keeping his chin up and his voice calm. He looked—felt—downright powerful. A stature befitting that of a Lucian King. Aaralyn found it endlessly attractive and was trying hard not to think about it.

"Though circumstances are different, both king and Oracle are finally in Altissia," Camelia was saying.

"You said that you have Luna in your care," Noctis said, choosing his words carefully. "Doesn't that pose a risk to your nation?"

"Is the king concerned for our relations with the Empire?" Camelia asked, eyebrow arching up her forehead, but it was no secret she was impressed. "But it's true. The Oracle is a risk—one that we are prepared to shed with. Whether we do so depends on you."

"About that," Noctis gave Aaralyn and Nyx a side glance—finally, they were getting to the subject as to why they were this close at all and not pacing around the far door with the others. "Luna asked her to meet with her here in Altissia, and he escorted her to safety during the signing ceremony."

Camelia's eyes darted between Aaralyn and Nyx. "Did they now?"

Aaralyn nodded, carefully keeping her expression as impassive as possible. Glaive training was still coming in handy. "Yes, ma'am."

"And why, may I ask, did she ask you?"

Aaralyn glanced at Noctis who inclined his head, giving her the floor to speak. She shifted her weight a little more squarely and straightened her shoulders. "Nyx and I are members of the Lucian Kingsglaive," she said. "We fought in the war to protect the kingdom from the Empire. After defending her on our way out of the Crown City on the day of the signing ceremony, Lady Lunafreya asked me to meet with her here. She never elaborated why."

Camelia did not look impressed. "And you?" she asked Nyx.

"King Regis entrusted her safety to me with his dying wish," he said curtly, hands folded behind his back. He was the perfect picture of the perfect soldier. "I got set back and sent Aaralyn and the princess ahead of me. I only...caught up with Aaralyn and His Highness later. Now that we've made it to Altissia, I intend to make good on my promise to the late king."

Camelia hummed in thought. "I see. Well, a quick check will verify whether or not you two are telling the truth." She nodded to one of the guards standing dutifully on the side. He saluted and left the room, shutting the door behind him with a quiet click.

As the soldier's footsteps faded down the corridor outside, Camelia returned her attention to Noctis and continued to grill him for answers about what happened with Titan and Lunafreya's plans with Leviathan. Noctis kept his cool, giving her the answers she wanted and sticking with the truth, keeping Camelia pleased with a smooth mix of flattery and honesty that had the corners of her mouth twitching with approval.

"Alright," Noctis said at last. "I'll do as you ask. We'll help evacuate the citizenry."

"I'm pleased to hear it," Camelia rose from her desk. Despite being such a tiny woman, she truly radiated a force all her own. "As long as the people's safety is assured, I have no qualms with your rite. And that's not all." She turned to face Noctis, putting her open palm against her desk, tapping a finger rhythmically against the wood. "Once the rite has begun, I will not be accountable for what follows. You are on your own."

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