Chapter 62

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I want to dedicate this chapter to @littlesylvia! I've enjoy our conversations :) you should go check out her stories, they're great to read! I love you girl! your the best ❤😄

So, I almost got hit by car last week. Scariest moment of my life! Thank god for reflexes, 🙏 I jumped out of the way before it could hit me!

This is why it took me a a long time to update :( I'm sorry for anyone who had to wait so long. I hope you enjoy the update! Love you guys ❤


Shouts of pain was all that Sam could hear. She was in a room surrounded by darkness. The familiar shouts of pain was the only thing coming from around the room.

"Hello?" Sam called out, she didn't know where she was. She didn't know where Daryl or the others were. Her voice echoed through the room, making it sound so empty.

"Is anybody there?" she called out. She felt weird being by herself, it was a feeling she wasn't used to.

"It's not your fault, Sam" A deep voice said. That voice sounded so familiar. Tears started forming in her as soon as she heard it.

"Tyreese?" Sam choked out. The feeling of guilt build up quickly.

"It's not your fault I died" Tyreese said. The room that had been so dark, suddenly lit up. The room turned white, making it look to empty.

"Yes it is" Sam cried, looking around for him. She felt like she was in a nightmare. That he was haunting her for what she caused.

"No, it's not" His voice said behind her. Sam turned around, her eyes landing on him. He was wearing all white, making him look like some sort of angel "it went the way it had to go. It was my time to go"

Sam closed her eyes, trying to keep her tear from falling. She didn't say anything, the only thing she could do was cry.

"Don't let yourself pull away" he shock his head "I did it once when Karen got sick"

He looked up the ceiling "I was filled with anger. I pulled away, almost got myself killed. I wanted to die back in the medical run"

Tyreese shook his head and smiled slightly "then I remembered, my life was back at that prison, waiting for me to be back"

"They can't even look me in the eye" Sam shook her head, a few tears streaming down her cheeks "I know they hate me, Sasha said it herself"

"They don't hate you" Tyreese shook his head "their hurt, you would be too if something happen to any of them"

"No" Sam shook her head "I wouldn't let anything happen to them. I've hurt them to many times, I can't let them get hurt again"

"That's what makes you a great person" Tyreese smiled "your brother was right"

Sam's head snapped up at him "what?" she asked confused "my brother's here?"

"Yeah" Tyreese nodded "we've heard so much about you"

"We?" Sam asked, she didn't understand..

"Amy, Andrea, Jim, Jaquie, Dale, Sophia, Lori, Hershel, Bob, merle, your brother.. Everyone"

"Sophia?" Sam placed a hand over her mouth, trying to suppress her sobs. They had been too busy heading to DC, to even look for the young girl. Their hope had been slowly dying out.

"Oh god" Sam cried, her emotions were to much for her.

"Your a good person, Sam. I know you won't let nothing happen to them. Im glad they have you in their family" Tyresse smiled at her, backing away from her slowly.

Sam watched him disappear, she felt weight being lift off her shoulders. She could finally be at peace...

Gasping for air, Sam sat up. It was the first time in a long time, since she's slept without nightmares. The last couple of days since Tyreese's, she's had the same nightmare.

Tyresse getting bit.

She just couldn't stop blaming herself. She felt like she took a part of Sasha and Karen, a huge part of them.

But after her dream, she felt a huge weight being lift off her shoulders. Hearing those words come from him, made her feeling like it wasn't actually her fault. That things were suppose to go the way they went..

"Good your up" Sam jumped startled at Rick's voice "I need your help"

Sam nodded her head as she looked at him. She noticed his bear was longer than it used to be. He was covered in filth and his eyes looked a dark grey. They weren't the blue they used to be. They were darker and colder.

"With what?" Sam asked confused. She had been asleep for the pass hour or more. She had no idea what was going on.

"Maggie and Sasha brought in a guy, he could be dangerous, I need you to watch him" He ordered her, Sam only nodded her head and got up. As she looked around, she noticed a man tied to one of the post.

"Where's everybody?" Sam asked worried, she didn't want anything to happen to them.

"Michonne, Abraham, Glenn, Rosita, and Maggie went to find his friend" Rick said glaring at the man "Daryl and the others are checking the perimeter"

"Who is he?" Sam raised an eyebrow at Rick. Sam noticed by the man's frighten position that he was harmless.

"His name's Aaron" Rick gruffly answered "he's been following us since after Atlanta"

"He doesn't seem like a threat" Sam looked at Rick in the eye.

"He is" Rick insisted, he knew this man meant bad.

"He's scared, Rick." Sam shook her head "he's also tied to a post and outnumbered"

"We can't be too sure" Rick denied.

Sam was about to say something but was cut off by the cries of Judith. Both Rick and Sam rushed to her aid, her cries were loud.

"Has she had anything to eat yet?" Sam asked worried, they had been running low on food.

"No," Rick shook his head "there might be some nuts in my bag"

Sam hurried over to his bag, looking for them. She sighed in frustration when she found nothing.

"Nothing" Sam said, gripping her hair.

"There's some applesauce in my pack" Aaron said to them. Rick glared at him untrustingly while Sam soften her eyes at him.

"No" Rick said, causing Sam to glare at him.

"What do you mean no? She needs to eat" Sam snapped at him.

"We don't know what he put in it" Rick narrowed his eyes at Aaron.

"You think I'm trying to poison your baby daughter?" Aaron looked at him in disbelief.

"I would never do that, I'm not going to harm you" Aaron shook his head "I have that applesauce to show we have apple trees nearby"

Rick walked over to Aaron's pack, pulling out a jar of apple sauce. He grabbed a spoon and walked over to Aaron.

"Open" Rick ordered him, trying to make him eat the applesauce.

"I don't like applesauce" Aaron looked away "I never did"

"You got to be shitting in me" Sam growled, storming over to Rick. She got the spoon and eating the sauce.

"What the hell are you doing?" Rick glared at her "you could of poisoned yourself"

"But I didn't" Sam snapped at him "now leave the poor man alone and feed your baby"

Rick walked away with a crying Judith, her cries dying down as she ate.

"Thank you" Aaron smiled grateful at her. He admired the role played in the group. Well more like her dedication to them.

"Your welcome" Sam smiled slightly at him. She couldn't let Rick loose his cool anymore. She knew it could affect the group and she had to do what was best for them.

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