Chapter 48

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-Sam's POV-

We were all having a fest tonight. It was the first in maybe weeks we had a time to relax. Everyone was smiling and laughing. I was laying in one of the benches. I was being the party pooper, I guess. I felt so out of place. I slowly stood up and walked outside. I needed some fresh air. I sat down on the stairs in front of the doors and looked at the stars. They were beautiful.

"They're beautiful aren't they?" I jumped startled at Abraham voice "sorry didn't mean to scare you"

"It's okay" I said laid down on my back, looking back at the dark night.

"What are you doing out here?" he asked confused as he sat next to me.

"Just needed some fresh air" I said without looking at him.

"Trouble in paradise?" he laughed. He always seem to lighten my mood.

"Something like that" I shrugged a bit. I didn't want to talk about my argument with Daryl.

"Why are you with him if your arguing?" Abraham asked me after while. His question shocked me. We didn't fight a lot.

"This is the first time we've argued in about a year" I sat up and glared at him "I'm not going to just walk away from him for some stupid argument"

"Don't you think you deserve a bit more than him?" He looked me in the eyes.

"What? no" I shook my head "I love him"

"Think about it Sam" He leaned closer to me "if he loved you he would be here trying to fix his mess" he didn't let me say anything as he kissed me. I froze. I couldn't do this to Daryl. Yeah, we had an argument, but I doesn't matter. I shoved Abraham away from me with force, knocking him to the ground.

"What the hell is your problem?" I spat at him. I felt like my blood was boiling.

"You deserve someone better!" he glared at me.

"And what? that someone is you?" I asked harshly.

"Yes!" he sighed "look, I don't why.. I feel attracted to you"

"No you don't" I backed away from him "you have Rosita"

"I don't love her" he shook his head "I thought I did. She reminded me of my wife, but you? It's like looking right at her. How you both act. Your smile-"

"No.. no" I shook my head "get the hell away from me" I started walking away. I kept walking away, good thing I had my weapons. As I walked down the road I spotted a car. I could just drive away and not come back.

'No, that would be only running away from your problems' a small voice in my head said.

True. I sighed and tried starting the car. It only made a dying noise before it died. I got out the car and walked to the trunk. It was already slightly opened. There was a thing to re-power the battery. I pulled it out and placed on the ground and started looking trough the trunk.

"What you doing?" a raspy voice said. I knew who it was.

"I don't know" I sighed. I grabbed the charger like thing and took it to the hood of the car.

"So your just going to run away?" he scoffed.

"What is it to you? I ain't your problem anymore" I snapped and connected the thing to the battery. When I looked at his face it had soften.

"You know I didn't mean it" he looked down and the ground.

"Whatever" I got in the car and tried turning it on. It still didn't budge, I walked back to the hood.

"Look" he ran a hand through his hair "I'm sorry, okay? there I said it"

"I don't want your fake apology" I rolled my eyes at him. I heard him growl under his breath. I was then spun to look at him.

"I'm really sorry" he looked into my eyes to show me he wasn't lying.

"It's okay" I gave in easily. I never knew how I can. I just can't seem to stay mad at him for long.

"I love you" he whispered, he started leaning in. I knew he wanted a kiss, but I couldn't. Not after Abraham kissed me. I had to tell him.

"Daryl" I turned away. He pulled back and looked at me. His eyes held hurt and confusion.

"What's wrong?"

"Abraham kissed me" I softly said. I didn't want to get the wrong reaction from him. He pulled away from me like I was fire.

"What?" he growled, glaring at me as if it was my fault.

"He kissed me" I looked down at my boots.

"Son of a bitch" he growled under his breath. He kicked the the front of the car, making it bend. I flinched back in surprise. I knew he wouldn't hurt me, but I was still scared.

"Did you kiss him back?" I heard his ask quietly. His voice sounded so broken.

"What? no. We only had a disagreement. Doesn't mean I'm going to jump with the next guy that comes along" I grabbed his hand in mine "I love you"

"Okay" he smiled slightly at me. We looked into each others eyes as a car passed by. It was black with a white cross in the back. Daryl quickly ran into the car.

"What's going on?" I asked as I got in next to him.

"They have Beth" Was the only thing he said to me. We quickly drove after them. As we followed after, I noticed they were going into the city... this couldn't be good.

If I Got Rid of My Demons I would Lose My Angels (Daryl Dixon love story)Where stories live. Discover now