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Daisy Weasley

Daisy Weasley

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I couldn't wait to fully disappear into the wizarding world after graduation and never see anyone from here ever again

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I couldn't wait to fully disappear into the wizarding world after graduation and never see anyone from here ever again.

I dreamt about it. I wrote it down a million times in a stupid muggle composition journal to manifest it. Or whatever the hell they did to make sure shit came true.

To be honest, the world felt harsh at the moment.  didn't want to return to Hogwarts for a final year.

"Daisy? It's your go," Hermione's fingers snapped me out of my trance. "What is going on with you this morning? Are you really that nervous to return?"

"I'm not nervous," I lied, moving my chess piece on my board. "I didn't get much sleep last night because you needed the room."

Hermione bit her bottom lip, blushing a little when I mentioned it. "I assure you we just... I mean, there was a lot of... snuggling and.. snogging."

"Please don't give me any details," I grimaced. "I already am disgusted by you actually dating my twin brother.  I never thought he would... act on his thoughts. And then Gin-."

The door to the cart slid opens and the lively, outwardly energetic redhead came inside right on cue. "And Ginny, what?"

I loved my siblings. I loved my family- really I did. But sometimes I couldn't have one moment to myself. A Weasley was always there or someone who knew a Weasley. And it made it impossible to do anything.

Nonetheless, I smiled at her. "I couldn't seep in your room last night because Harry was over. Again."

"Oh, please," she shimmed into the seat next to Hermione's cat. "You could have slept in Ronald's bed. Harry and I... I mean we weren't up all night. We were just..."

Hermione's eyes gleamed in suggestion to the conversation, "Snuggling and snogging?"

"Oh sure," Ginny added back, laughing. "And a bit in-between."

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