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Daisy Weasley

Daisy Weasley

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winter of fifth year (order of phoenix)

Dean was livid. Dean was furiously angry. And he was that way because of me. Again.

He was standing over me, pacing quickly. It was the middle of December, and snow had just started to fall outside. I wanted nothing more than to wrap a thick scarf around my neck and put on the warmest coat I could find to make snow angels.

The hallway was cold. My sweater wasn't enough, and god forbid Dumbledore, who was somehow MIA at the moment, wouldn't dare turn the heat on in the halls.

Dean was pissed. He was angry and he was beyond irritated. And it was all my fault.

"You just got kicked out of Dumbledore's Army, Daisy. You... How are you this calm?"

I peered up from my lashes, my hands still folded and my face stuffed in between. "I was there, you don't need to remind me."

"I just truly don't understand." He's got that stupid astonished mad look on his face. "How are you so bad at defense spells? It's bloody embarrassing. You're a Weasely. "

I scoffed against my breathing. I let the pain of not being good enough seep deep into my fingers and down into my flesh. "What does that have to do with anything?"

He looked at me like I was little and stupid. And not in the way that made me tingly inside. "All of your siblings are well accomplished in defense. Fred, George, Ginny.. I mean, Ron is practically a co-founder of all this."

I rolled my eyes, which then made him madder. The vein in his neck popped out as if it would smack me. And I wish it would. It would hurt less than being yelled at by your boyfriend in the hallway. I'm sure everyone can hear him on the other side of the room.

He persisted in pushing me closer to my breaking point. "What will you do when what Potter is saying comes true?"

It was the point of our relationship that I hid a smile behind an immense amount of pain, heartbreak and misery. But I'd be jealous and sad if he was happy without me. I shrugged. "Die, probably."

His hand made contact with the cobblestone wall. It made me flinch small but it wasn't anything I was wasn't used to. "Damnnit, Daisy. This isn't a fucking joke."

I build a world around Dean Thomas. He had me in a dream, and I lived in every word he said. The stars had aligned, and I thought that I.. that he felt the same. "Whatever, Dean. Dumbledore's stupid army really means that much to you?"

He's still standing over me when he set his jaw, trying to keep from saying something so hurtful that I would cry again. "You have been quite literally insufferable lately."

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