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Daisy Weasley

after the battle of hogwarts the burrow three weeks before the accident

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after the battle of hogwarts
the burrow
three weeks before the accident

I didn't think it was depression. Not that first. Not when my body didn't know how to move properly, and my eyes felt heavy with the weight of tears continually coming down my face.

At first, I thought it was grief. It must have been. Because people extremely close to me died at the same time. And I've never lost anyone this close to me before.

I didn't understand that grief and depression went together like a raincoat and an umbrella. One shielding the other, but both needed to stay dry. Without either, I'd be soaked in the rain... the condensed moisture of the atmosphere falling visibly in separate drops until I was melted into the ground.

Still, despite all the new feelings, I couldn't explain why I couldn't move. Somebody told me that life goes on. But to me, that was the saddest part. I didn't want life to go on. Not without them.

I knew what would happen during the battle. I knew people would get hurt. I knew people would die, possibly. But no one prepared me for what would happen after it happened.

"Daisy," Ron lowered to my level on the couch in Ginny and my room that we shared. I had been here since we got home. from Hogwarts- or what was left of Hogwarts. Ginny was staying with Harry- merlin knows where. And I couldn't even get mauled to go into my bed. "You gotta get up. You've been here for almost six days."

Looking at my twin and feeling such a strong disconnect felt like licking raw open wounds. I nevertheless felt very still and very empty. I wanted my best friend. I wanted Lavender. I wanted Tonks. I wanted Fred. I wanted everything to go back to the way it was a week ago.

Ron sighed again. He moved closer to me and fluffed with the edge of the blanket, moving it closer to me. "You want to go out with us? 'Mione, Gin, and Harry? We are going to get some food. Some people from school are going too. I maybe think Neville and Luna. Seamus, if he's able. Dean won't be there. Mum hasn't really been cooking lately. I don't blame her. She's just been crying a lot. And now,.. you know... She's worried about you, too-."

The comment about Mum made me sit up and say something. My voice cracked a tiny bit- no one had talked to me, and so I wasn't exercising my voice to talk back. "I don't want her to be worried about me. There's nothing to worry about."

"Dais, you haven't left in days. I know it's hard. But you have to try," his voice was gravelly. The red hairs on his face have grown in a bit- probably due to the lack of sleep. He looked exhausted. I could feel his grief, too. We were feeling emotions we didn't know existed. "Maybe we can stop by that crystal shop you like and get some for your little stand. I have some extra money. It'll be a small gift. It will make you feel better. I hate seeing you like this."

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