twenty five

284 22 42

all the things i did... just so i could call you mine 🤠

please review the trigger warnings before reading

(this gif is just the daisy revenge era ambiance and had nothing to do with the chapter)

(this gif is just the daisy revenge era ambiance and had nothing to do with the chapter)

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Draco Malfoy

I think at this moment.. I hated everyone. Including myself. Mostly myself.

I was absolutely stalling. We were stalling- staring at each other as if we were accepting that we would never be together again, and our final act of love was letting each other go.

I knew exactly why she was here. I knew she somehow knew what had happened. Why else would she owl an emergency when I told her to stay away?

It was probably through Zabini. He had been pressuring me all this time to tell her. And for some fucked up reason, I thought she didn't need to know.

And, to my own shortcoming, I have truthfully disregarded her in the past few months. She's the only person who ever loved me with honesty, and I wasn't giving it back to her.

I have been busy.. I fucking swear. Trying to get her to understand would only make it worse. I didn't need her pity.

But there's not a goddamm day that has gone by that I haven't thought about what she was doing.. How she was doing... What she was doing... Who was she doing it with...

My brain was so mentally fucked up couldn't process that I was the bad guy again. And that was the reason I didn't have her anymore.

She was wearing all black. I want to think that in some cheek, cute way, I influenced it. I mean, I did buy her the boots she was wearing. I had probably bought the dress and the headband, too.

Which is fine, I liked buying her things. No, I loved buying her things. But she never really dressed like this... Not since after Christmas break.

And we both know what happened during Christmas break.

"You look really beautiful, Daisy," I said smugly, half smirking. I really did mean it.

"Don't. Don't call me beautiful." Until she confirmed the suspicion I had, she knew. The only single arm holding me up on the bridge let go, and I was metaphorically going to jump off soon. "Why did you do it?"

Inhaled quickly and quietly. I didn't want to seem as if I was truly surprised. Because god only fucking knew why I even lied to her in the first place. I felt my jaw tense when I spoke- I had the bad habit come back the second I had left her. "To protect you, Daisy. That's why."

She replied quickly, "I could have protected myself."

And I let it out... The side of myself I promised she would never see. The side that scared Pansy when I was with her. "We both know that's bullshit, Daisy."

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