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pure draisy fluff
this is really meaningful so don't comment any h8

Daisy Weasley

pure draisy fluffthis is really meaningful so don't comment any h8✿Daisy Weasley

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I woke up the following day on the soft sheets of Draco Malfoy's bed. Exquisitely soft. Expensively soft.

Frankly, I wanted to stay wrapped up in this position for the rest of my life.

So, so... so soft with Draco Malfoy. I felt like I was dreaming. Like I was on a cloud of sweet sticky pureness.

I was facing the wall when I started stirring, the white led of the clock reading five in the morning. We hadn't even slept that long and not soon enough I remembered what happened last night.

Behind me Draco's arm was draped around the curve of my waist. He wasn't holding me, but he wasn't... not holding me.

"You're a rough sleeper," he mumbled, the gruffness in the sound of his voice starling me. He then immediately apologized when I jumped. "Sorry, fuck. I didn't mean to startle you."

I didn't move my body, but his hand left my waist. Like he just caught himself with his hand in the cookie jar. "I'm a rough sleeper? What does that's even mean?"

"You toss and turn," he replied, his voice still rough. "Alot. Do you always have those bad dreams?"

Just like last night, mortification heats my cheeks up. Of course I was tossing and turning because I didn't take a potion to help me. "Fuck. I'm sorry. I forgot."

He raised a question in the expression in his face with his eyebrows. I could tell without even looking at him. "You forgot? What do you mean?"

"It's just that... What I mean is..." I stammered a bit, "I usually take a sleeping potion. I just... I was drunk and then we-."

"Oh." He took a deep breath out, "I have a full stock of sleepless potions. Next time I'll make a mental note to have you swallow it. After we kiss again and you spend the night here, that is."

I turned over finally to match a face with the voice. My head still firmly on the pillow. "Hi."

"Hi," he replied, his eyes glossed over from waking up. He moved his hand back towards me and lightly brushed up to my face. "God, you're fucking gorgeous when you first wake up. I feel like I'm dreaming right now."

My voice was low and soft, trying not to have my anxiety overtake my brain and ruin all of this. "I'm sorry I keep you up with my tossing and turning."

"You didn't. I slept well. Once I got closer to you, the bad dreams seemed to soothe off." His hand was back by his sides and I wondered if I did something wrong. "Are you a cuddler?"

I suddenly had flashbacks of Dean and I fighting. His bed wasn't as soft as this. His voice wasn't as soft as this. He wasn't soft- like this. No clouds of sticky, sweet pureness.

Nothing like him. So, I lied. "I'm not sure."

"Not sure?" Lying didn't work. Draco apparently doesn't miss a beat. "Do you like being held?"

Unsure of his response to my thoughts, I nodded with a sigh. "Yes, I like being... I like being held."

Before he could decipher any more, I pulled the blanket closer around my body. "I have a little headache."

"I can fix that." Immediately, he reached over my body and for his wand that was placed next to mine. He was over top of me for a brief second but god, it felt like hours. He hovered over me and placed his wand near my temple. "Stay still, baby. You might be a little dizzy for a few small seconds."

"There you go. You should feel better any second now." He leaned down after. His kiss was featherlight, barely dusting across my forehead. "You did such a good job staying still."

It suddenly felt ungodly hot in here. And he was right, I was getting all dizzy. "Can I... Do you have some water? Please?"

"Only because you asked so nicely." He hummed again, then reached over where he placed his wand and wandlessly conjured a glass of cold, fresh water. "Better?"

"I'm just a little... bit..." I tried to nod but he saw through it. He took the now empty glass away and reached over my body once more.

"Lay here. I'll hold you. It'll go away soon." He tapped his hand on his chest again for me to come to him. And softly, I obliged. "Is that okay?"

I could only whisper. I could feel the softness suddenly taking over. "Yes, this is okay."

He settled into me. Like maybe he was little dizzy too and he needed me to lay with him. "Yeah? I'm glad."

I bit my bottom lip and closed my eyes, I didn't want to see his response in his face. "Are we going to talk about what we are doing here? Cuddling, sleeping together... kissing and you always waiting for me to get off work."

"We can talk about it all when you wake up again, my sleepy girl. You deserve to get some rest before you wake up for the day. Do you need a sleepless potion?"

It took me a second to answer but I did with the faintest reply. "No. I just need... I need... this."

He hummed contently and continued to play with a part of my red hair while I drifted off.

I was in love with this moment. The last time I was taken care of this way was.... I don't even remember when. "Draco?"

His voice is still quiet. It's warmly humming into my brain."Yes, baby?"

"This is... this is really nice." I sighed, falling deeper into his chest. "Thank you for taking care of me last night and letting me stay here."

He settled again, then I felt his lips on my forehead once more. "Anytime."

And while I drifted to sleep, for the first time in a while, I hadn't once thought about what happened to me this summer.

ch 9 tomorrow

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