Dangerous love

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I felt like as Luca is not going for it, I felt embarrassed,
" oh my god why on earth did I do that"

I looked at him and added:
- I am sorry, I didn't mean to..
- no, no it's fine, but I thought you said that you won't forgive me, you know...
- actually, I didn't...yet, and I still don't trust you but what can I do, I need you
- haha, yeh, right so you are the one using me now??
- yes, you can say that, considered a pay back
- fine, I will call you if I find something about your dad
- thank you Luca I really appreciate it
- OK little angel, I have to go now, I will see you later"

As he said that, he headed to a girl, he started flirting with her then, they get out togother

Adrien came and told me that the others came and that they were waiting for me,
in our way to the other guys, Adrien asked:
"- I saw you speaking with my brother
- I was asking if he's doing OK
- oh, ok
- Adrien, I know you told me to stay away and to not trust him but, we're kind of friends
- Ires, I can't control your decision or you're thoughts about people but please be careful
- don't worry"

I looked at Emma With surprise she was holding James's hand
I whispered in her ears "I can see the news"
she whispered back "I will tell you everything later, I'm coming to your house for a sleepover on Sunday"

we had a great night playing, dancing and drinking, then Adrien drove me home

When Adrien stopped the car in front to my house, he said:
"- I will be a bit busy this weekend
- why??
- you know, my father need me..
- oh right, I am sorry i am still not use to this
- are you OK??
- yes, I am great
- I know it's a lot, so I don't want you to hide your feelings from me if you're not ok with it or you need more time i will understand
- no, it's true, I am OK, at first I thought that I will never be able to get through this but now, I feel nothing it's like everything is normal when it's not
- I am happy to hear this, and Ires, you should always remember that I will always protect you and be there for you"

I smiled when he said that then I get out of the car and I walked into the house.

Eric called me and said:
- did you have fun??
- yes I did
- Ires
- yes??
- do you like this Adrien?? I mean he really seem a nice guy but I need to make sure that you are happy with him
- yes Eric, I really do like him a lot, with him, I feel like myself, I don't have to pretend or fake anything, also I feel comfortable and safe
- that's great, oh yeh and you're school called today, there is a parents meeting on Thursday
- OK, hey Eric where is mum??
- celeste went to bed early
- I am going to sleep too, good night Eric
- Good night dear, sleep well "

In my way to my bedroom, I passed by my father's home office, after he passed away, mum didn't want to change anything in it

I went inside, I sat down on desk chair, I looked into his old documents, hoping that I will find something explain his relation with Adrien's father
"what was his name again?? Yeh Dave"

I found a photo, my dad and mom were in it with Dave hugging a woman that I assumed that she's Luca and Adrien's mom
She was quite beautiful

"I probably should tell Luca about this"

I masseged him right after I changed and layed down on the bed

I masseged him right after I changed and layed down on the bed

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"Whattt the hell is he thinking??"

It didn't take him so long to call, I opened the door for him and whispered "are you crazy??"
He went inside and answered:
"- maybe, your beauty is driving me insane
- stop, and lower your voice, my family is asleep
- OK, where is the photo??
- wait here, I will bring it to you"

I think he didn't hear me, He followed me until we got to my room
So I added "stay here, Seriously this time"

He nodded his head but it's like I am saying the opposite, when he came inside he layed down on my bed, I gave him the photo and sat next to him then said:
"- soo, is she your mom??
- yup
- do you think, my mother knows about your father
- I don't know, why don't you ask her??
- I don't know if that's a good idea
- can I keep this photo??
- yes, sure
- Ires, I will talk to my dad tomorrow
- thank you Luca
- eeh, don't mention it
- tell me again why don't you have a girlfriend?? I mean you're rich, funny and handsome
- no, I don't do dating, I am not good in this boyfriend girlfriend game, I find it disgusting and unnecessary
- what no, you're totally wrong, I think you're just afraid because it's difficult, hard and you're not able to take this responsibility
- OK ok easy there, I can do anything also, I am a responsible person, responsibility is One of my best qualities.
- haha yeh, right
- soo, you are happy with my brother??
- yes
- Ires?? Why are you still with him??
- because, he's everything I need and I want to be with him, I believe that your brother will change my life for good
- Ires, I know what you mean, you want a love that consumes you, you want passion and adventure and even a little bit of danger but if you think you will have this with Adrien, you're wrong"

Everything that Luca said was true, evry single word and that's what I still believe that I will achieve this Adrien

We sat there chatting the whole night, then I fell asleep

I woke up to find out that Luca still here sleeping next to me
" what the hell am I going to do??, how will I get him out of here Without my mother and Eric's acidity"

I tried to wake him up in every way, but to no avail
there was a bottle of water next to me so I poured it on him.
Finlay, he wake up screaming:
- what the hell is wrong with you??
- shut up, you have to get out of here, from the window and now
- you know you have a door right??
- yes, but my parents are awake
- and??
- you can't show up like this, what will I say to them? This is my boyfriend's brother, he spent the night in my bedroom sleeping beside me on my bed?? come ooon Luca, this is crazy
- and what's wrong with that??
- it's all wrong, I thought you would go after I fell asleep
- OK, now it's my fault, wonderful

I opened the window for Luca to leave but Eric was in the garden
I looked at Luca and said:
"- you can't leave
- what??
- here is the plan, I will call for Eric and went he come you will jump from the window and do not let anyone see you ok??
- yup, whatever"

When i reached the door to get out and call for Eric, I heard Luca's voice talking to my mother who was in the kitchen
I panicked and I run to find him introducing himself.....

See you next time
Love you ❤️❤️

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