𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐/𝐄𝐧𝐝

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They went to the next house, Zak pressed the door bell they both said "trick or treat" but still only Zak got a candy. Zak felt horrible for his new friend but he needs be hopeful " you'll get some candies mk?" Zak comforted Darryl, with Darryl only giving him a weak smile.

They went houses after houses after houses but still no one has given Darryl a single candy. While Zak's basket is almost full Darryl's bucket has no candy to be found, Zak hugged Darryl he may not be the one experiencing the horrible treatment he still personally feels it.

"I don't know what's wrong with this stupid people, how rude can they be" Zak let out his frustration while hugging Darryl. " It's not yet 10 pm anyways let's just get to the last three houses" Zak said as he pulled away from the hug.

They went to the blue house, same thing Zak getting complimented on how cute his costume is and gets given a candy, with Darryl getting ignored. With the green house being the same experience, Zak had enough of this stupid experience.

He stomped his way to the last house, Darryl following suit Zak pressed the door bell more agressively but it still rang as if pressed normally. " Trick or treat" Zak said but with a little frustration

"Oh my god, are you a diamond Minecraft man? So freaking cute" the teenage lady snapped a picture of Zak.

"For having a very adorable costume here have a lot of candy" She poured Zak the bowl of candy to Zak's basket filling it up, Zak looked towards Darryl confused then back to the teenager, she only giggled and said " happy trick or treating babye diamond man" she closed the door.

Zak just stood there for a good few seconds before feeling a hand on his shoulder, he looked at Darryl because who else could it be " let's just go" the green eyed boy said.

Zak nodded " I'll just share my candy with you" Zak offered but getting no response from Darryl. They both walked to Zak's house seeing that Zak's dad just arrived, with Zak's mother greeting her husband.

"Oh wow Zakky you got a lot of candies, it's probably because of your really cute costume" his mother said.

"Yup don't eat your candy in one go, just eat it in moderation mk Zak?" Zak's dad said.

Zak smiled at the both of them and replied " ok, oh mom dad I would like you to meet my friend over here" Zak pointed to his side where Darryl was standing.

Zak's mom made a playful voice " oh wow hi there, how was it was Zak been good?" Zak's mom bent down a bit acting to speak to someone that's short.

Zak's dad greeting the friend as well " oh hi it's nice of you to accompany my little potato on trick or treat" Zak's Dad went to where his wife is .

Zak took off his cube helmet then looked at his parents confused, " uh mom,dad?".



"His not there his right beside you two" Zak said looking at them confused, angry and a little frustrated.

"Oh I see I see" Zak's mom nervously luaghed.

" Sorry Darryl my parents are acting a bit strange hope you understand" Zak said.

"Wait Zak who are you talking to?" Zak's father asked worriedness plastered on his face. " What do you mean who? My friend dad my friend, his right here next to me" Zak said getting more angrier.

" But Zak there's no one there" Zak's mom said wide eyes.

"Stop with the jokes mom it's not funny ok" Zak nervously said as his eyes started to stinging.

Zak's dad bent down infront of him " Zak I know you like having your friend, and having an imaginary friend is normal but for you to act like his real isn't nice ok".

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