𝐔𝐧𝐦𝐮𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐌𝐢𝐜 - 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐

415 22 27

Darryl began to panic, Zak still being in the channel just quiet from shock. Darryl doesn't know how to react, his heart beating faster and faster from the tension and embarrassment, and because of that he left the channel.

For a few seconds he stared at his computer screen, just staring at it, he couldn't believe he just said that. He gulped and took out his phone and power it off, he let out a frustrated scream as he tightly gripped on his brunette locks.

He covered his face with his hands as his tears brust out, he didn't even had a chance to read the message from discord as he shut down his computer. He doesn't know what to do, would Zak think as it as a joke or would he think it's disgusting.

His head is swarming with future worst case scenarios, he couldn't think straight at the very moment. He could only wish him and Zak would still be friends, what would his other friends think.

He went towards his bed while weeping his eyes out, red face, stinging eyes and hair a mess from crying. He buried his face on the pillow and screamed

Darryl Talking

What the f was that Darryl, you stupid stupid brainless shit. How could you let that slip, Zak's probably thinking your disgusting and wouldn't be friends with you, being friends with a person who loves you is akward.

If I wasn't so stupid, this wouldn't have happened I could have just muted or better yet FUCKING SHUT MY MOUTH. There's no changing the future, I'm ruined, I'll just face the future or quit if it gets too bad. I'm tired, stupidity always wins me.

End of talk

Darryl buried his face on the pillow even deeper and screamed as he cried, after a few minutes he fell asleep from crying. Face sticky forehead a bit sweaty, his whole face is gonna sting tomorrow especially his eyes.

Time Skip

It's now the next day, Darryl awakens on his own he groaned and sighed. He lifted his face from the pillow as he sat at the edge of his bed, his mind is blank at the moment, face red and puffy from last night.

Darryl just stared at a wall for a few minutes before realizing what has happened, he only laid back down on his bed and groaned as he covered his face with his hands. Not long after he heard scratchings on his room door, he weakly smiled knowing to who it was, he gathered all of his strength and got off bed to open the door.

As he opened the door Rat or Lucy ran inside and started jumping up and down around his legs, Darryl let out a weak luagh as well with a sigh seeing how cute Rat is at the moment. He picked her up and gave her kisses then afterwards went out the room as he carries his dog.

He walked to the kitchen and placed rat on the floor near her water bowl and eating bowl, he opened a cabinet getting Rat's food and prepared it and feed her. While Rat was eating he made his coffee, while drinking it he opened the fridge and felt like puking from the tension and stress his on.

He couldn't calm himself so he just went to the living room and turned on the tv, he just left it on a channel as he laid down on the couch and looked at cream colored ceiling not knowing what to do, however his mind is thinking a lot of scenarios all of which aren't really appealing.

Darryl rubbed his eyes, but as he did that Rat came to him trying to clim the couch, he only pet her before picking her up and placing her on his chest. Rat cirled on his chest and formed a ball and started sleeping, Darryl started petting as he looked back up the cieling.

The TV's sound is just muffled for Darryl, he couldn't hear it as his mind is just taking over him making him look like a statue only having movement on his chest that's raising up and down.

Remembering the times him and Zak being on late night calls, luaghing making jokes as well saying I love you in a friendly way. That's probably when Darryl started to form feelings, at first it was just all fun and games or friendliness but after a while Darryl started to crave Zak's attention, started to be clingy towards him.

It has been years since those feelings were built, but would it be possible to be destroyed when rejected? We won't really know, a few hours have passed and Darryl didn't even realized that he fell asleep, he only woke up in the same position but now without rat on his chest.

She's currently on her doggie bed that's on the other couch, Darryl went to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water and drank it. He also refilled Rat's water bowl as it has very little water left.

After doing that he went to his room and flopped on his bed, not bothering on looking anywhere rather than darkness provided by his face buried in the pillow.

He looked up after a while and grabbed his phone, he was about to press the power button but decided not to. His not ready to be bombarded with notifications, from friends if ever Zak did tattletaled.

" Love can make you happy, but it can also make you suffer." Darryl muttered

" Would I be able to face Zak after this, I don't even think he'll talk to me nor follow me in our socials" Darryl muttered once more

" I just can't believe how bad this situation had become, all because of my mindless and stupidity" Darryl thought to himself

Darryl talking

Was shutting your mouth was really that hard Darryl? Just shut your mouth, not speak anything that's so freaking easy. You could have just keep quiet, you literally use 100 muscles when you talk, and to keep quiet you use none.

I just wish to go back in time and shut my self up, I know I like Zak but to ruin a wonderful friendship a bit too much. I think his straight but his giving mix signals but his also giving me straight vibes.

Maybe everything is fine, and I don't need to worry about anything, but then again I can't do that because I can't control the future or anyone. I can only just go with the flow of life, I can't control anything.

End of talk

Darryl is just drained at the moment he doesn't feel on doing anything, his just really tired. He only went back to sleep and woke up around night time, he feed rat once more and ate three muffins from the fridge and drank some milk.

After eating he went back to his room, and just sat on his bed. He remembered he has an iPad where he doesn't have any of his socials signed in, so he got it from the cabinet and turned it on.

He went to YouTube, and just watched a few documentaries it took him a few hours to become sleepy again, and before he knew it he fell asleep while his iPad was still playing a video.

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